
Solve labor shortages in cherry packinghouses with automated MA packaging for bulk and retail cherries

StePac Ltd.?s lean, automated Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP) solutions gained rave reviews among Chilean cherry packers and exporters especially during the recent China cherry export season ahead of the recent Chinese New Year celebrations. The novel packaging formats have proven instrumental in helping the packers make the transition from manual to faster and more efficient automatized processes to counter the recent labor shortage hurdles. In response to the boom in Cherry exports from Chile to China and the rest of Asia, Chilean Packers are turning to StePac?s novel, lean Xflow? proprietary films inbuilt with properties specifically tailored for automated bulk-packaging and long-term storage and shipment of cherries. Packers proclaim Xflow has drastically lowered the dependency on labor

28 June, 2022
StePac Ltd.’s lean, automated Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP) solutions gained rave reviews among Chilean cherry packers and exporters especially during the recent China cherry export season ahead of the recent Chinese New Year celebrations. The novel packaging formats have proven instrumental in helping the packers make the transition from manual to faster and more efficient automatized processes to counter the recent labor shortage hurdles. In response to the boom in Cherry exports from Chile to China and the rest of Asia, Chilean Packers are turning to StePac’s novel, lean Xflow™ proprietary films inbuilt with properties specifically tailored for automated bulk-packaging and long-term storage and shipment of cherries. Packers proclaim Xflow has drastically lowered the dependency on labor and has enhanced food safety by minimizing handling during the packing process. Beyond the boost in operational efficiency, the packaging represents a considerable reduction in plastic packaging and stakeholders are enjoying the benefits of MAP technology namely the extension of product shelf life, reduction in food waste and lowered shipping costs associated with sea freight. The fresh produce packaging innovators have been working with Chilean distributor Empack to diversify its portfolio of bulk and retail packaging to meet the evolving logistical needs for this high-demand fruit and to preserve its full freshness, flavor and nutritional value as it makes the lengthy journey from Chile to Chinese consumers which can last 35 days. The versatile film is especially suited to 2.5kg and 5kg packages and is easily adapted to automatic fillers and packaging lines, allowing for reduced handling and thus significantly less manpower. The lean film also effectively reduces plastic consumption by up to 40%. This product was successfully used by more than a dozen exporters of cherries during the 2021/22 Chilean cherry season. ACCESS to the complete post
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