FELIX INSTRUMENTS last newsletter informs that speaking of bacterial outbreaks..., the F-940 Store It! Gas Analyzer helps to store produce safely. The F-940 Store It! Gas Analyzer monitors Ethylene, O2 and C02 levels in your stored foods to assist in preventing potential unwanted bacterial growth. With the recent Lysteria outbreak, it is more important than ever to responsibly monitor your stored products to provide a consistently safe product for your consumers. The newsletter also remembers the owners of a Produce Quality Meter to try Fruit Maps, the free interactive harvest
FELIX INSTRUMENTS last newsletter informs that speaking of bacterial outbreaks..., the F-940 Store It! Gas Analyzer helps to store produce safely. The F-940 Store It! Gas Analyzer monitors Ethylene, O2 and C02 levels in your stored foods to assist in preventing potential unwanted bacterial growth. With the recent Lysteria outbreak, it is more important than ever to responsibly monitor your stored products to provide a consistently safe product for your consumers. The newsletter also remembers the owners of a Produce Quality Meter to try Fruit Maps, the free interactive harvest map.Access to the free app FRUIT MAPS You can find Felix Instruments is present in Fruit Logistica in two locationsGesellschaft fuer Analysentechnik HLSBerlin - Hall 21 Booth D-03aAndSTEP Systems GmbHBerlin - Hall 21 Booth B-08 If you would like to schedule a demonstration with Felix Instruments President, Leonard Felix contact him at lfelix@felixinstruments.com or mobile +1 (360) 606 8821