Phytosanitaries , Cooling and CA

Specialist in citrus treatments and a referent in kaki, stone fruit and pome fruit

TECNIDEX is a Spanish company with a high international presence, specialist in products, technologies and services in order to guarantee the Fruits and Vegetables? Health and Quality as well as ensuring Food and Environmental Security. This company, specialist in citrus treatments and a referent in kaki, stone fruit and pome fruit, also has new formulations which are more effective and safe in its two big product lines Textar® (treatments and disinfectants)

30 November, -0001
TECNIDEX is a Spanish company with a high international presence, specialist in products, technologies and services in order to guarantee the Fruits and Vegetables’ Health and Quality as well as ensuring Food and Environmental Security.This company, specialist in citrus treatments and a referent in kaki, stone fruit and pome fruit, also has new formulations which are more effective and safe in its two big product lines Textar® (treatments and disinfectants) and Teycer® (waxes and detergents).Moreover, TECNIDEX has unique technologies, CONTROL-TEC®, which guarantees the best application of its phytosanitary products, waste-waters reuse and the atmosphere control in chambers, with the highest food and environmental safety.The company complements its products and technologies catalogue with Vía-Verde®, a technical team that help its clients anywhere in the world, assessing them in the different aspects that their activity or packhouse may require in post harvesting.TECNIDEX has its own laboratories (chemical analysis laboratory, agri-biological laboratory and electromechanical laboratory) and also works together with research centers and universities. In addition, it participates in international projects with other companies and research centers from different countries. TECNIDEX invests more than 6% of its sales in innovation, research and development, creating products, equipment and machinery that have been or are in the process of being registered in the following areas:- Wax and detergents- Disinfection treatments- De-greening/ ripening- Preservation- Re-use and phytosanitary water treatment.All of their products are developed in their laboratory with the corresponding registrations and homologations, and they all have their own individual brand.At present, TECNIDEX is involved in more than ten innovative projects that provide new solutions in the field of fruit and vegetable health, with the aim of providing added value to its clients.As a part of its business model and its internationalization plan –its headquarter is in Spain but it has a prominent international implantation, with 100% owned companies in Morocco, Turkey, South Africa and Italy-, TECNIDEX develops, adapts and register its products in every country in which it operates, giving cover to all the active substances which come into force and which are necessaries to provide solutions to the main postharvest problems and diseases.
Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia Financiado por la Unión Europea