
Sustainable packaging solutions at Fruitlogistica

Plastic free packaging, paper based and compostable materials, and those that can increase the shelf life reducing food waste will be shown in ULMA Packaging stand at Fruitlogistica. Our solutions have been designed to minimize the impact on the environment by reducing the amount of packaging required, while maintaining the benefits in terms of safety, long-term preservation of products, reduction of product waste, and using more recyclable and compostable materials. Our solutions have been designed to minimize the impact on the environment by reducing the amount of packaging required, while maintaining the benefits in terms of safety, long-term preservation of products, reduction of product waste, and using more recyclable and compostable materials (1st picture). We will show two flow pack wrapping solutions with plastic free materials. The Sienna flow wrapper with a trayless

21 January, 2020
Plastic free packaging, paper based and compostable materials, and those that can increase the shelf life reducing food waste will be shown in ULMA Packaging stand at Fruitlogistica. Our solutions have been designed to minimize the impact on the environment by reducing the amount of packaging required, while maintaining the benefits in terms of safety, long-term preservation of products, reduction of product waste, and using more recyclable and compostable materials.Our solutions have been designed to minimize the impact on the environment by reducing the amount of packaging required, while maintaining the benefits in terms of safety, long-term preservation of products, reduction of product waste, and using more recyclable and compostable materials. We will show two flow pack wrapping solutions with plastic free materials. The Sienna flow wrapper with a trayless solution for fresh vegetables and the FR 200 with a carton tray for fruits and vegetables. The VTI 640 vertical bagger will be using a plastic free material for herbs through our fully automated process by VENTURI ring. It offers film savings with a production speed up to 65 bags/min. For the first time in the market the TSA 1200 P traysealer will be on show at Fruitlogistica with a carton tray for fruit and vegetables. This solutions offers 97% less plastic than traditional plastic based sealed trays. The TSA 1200 P is a high performance traysealer with up to 23 cycles/min production speed and high sealing pressure with maximum energy efficiency. Finally, the TFS 200 thermoformer for vegetables in 4th and 5th range for vacuum or modified atmosphere packing for an increased shelf life and food waste reduction. ULMA digitalAll our packaging machines integrate our latest HMI (UPC 4.0) with a PC control and a touch screen. This new control platform has made machine operation easier than ever. Operators can display machine instruction manual and videos, rearrange the display for the most frequent shortcuts, it includes step-by-step guidance (Standard Operating Procedures) with pictures and videos, and full connectivity possibilities for remote access and seamless integration with MES and ERP systems via OPC Classic, OPC UA and Modbus TCP. In conclusion, we will be present at the main international exhibition for fruits and vegetables with a wide range of sustainable solutions that we hope will be of interest to all visitors who pass through our stand.Pictures1 - ULMA Packaging we care2 - Flow Pack apples3 - Traysealing, carton tray4 - TFS 200 thermoformer5 - ULMA Packaging digital
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