Phytosanitaries , Cooling and CA


At the 3rd International Congress of Red Fruits held on 21st and 22nd of June in Huelva, one of the companies that showed its technology was TECNIDEX FRUIT PROTECTION. In addition to its extensive range of solutions for citrus, the other great crop of the area, the company dedicated to the protection of fruits has two products of recent incorporation to its range that improve the conservation and transportation of all kinds of ready-made fruit. Berries, because of their high perishability, benefit in particular from these technologies.

10 July, 2017
At the 3rd International Congress of Red Fruits held on 21st and 22nd of June in Huelva, one of the companies that showed its technology was TECNIDEX FRUIT PROTECTION. In addition to its extensive range of solutions for citrus, the other great crop of the area, the company dedicated to the protection of fruits has two products of recent incorporation to its range that improve the conservation and transportation of all kinds of ready-made fruit. Berries, because of their high perishability, benefit in particular from these technologies. They are CONTROL-TEC® CAM PURE AIR and Textar® PURE AIR, in both cases, technologies without residues. CONTROL-TEC® CAM PURE AIR purifies the air in the fruit storage chambers. It eliminates pathogens (fungi and bacteria) present in the environment and reduces ethylene and other volatiles, including potential odors, present inside the chamber. It is a fast process; the air purification takes place in two hours and there is a range of equipment adapted to different sizes of chambers. The operation is continuous, allowing the re-entry of fruit into the chamber. The equipments are of easy use, installation and maintenance. Textar® PURE AIR performs optimum maturation control during the preservation, transport and commercialization of fruits, vegetables and flowers. It is a new system optimized for the absorption of ethylene. The effect is to delay ripening and maintain freshness and organoleptic conditions, lengthening the life of the fruit. Prevents degradation of natural color. It is a certified product for Organic Farming. It has a wide range of formats adapted to each stage of the process, conservation, in a combined use with CONTROL-TEC® CAM PURE AIR, transport and ready-made fruit.   In the picture, from left to right: David Ferrer Pérez, Marketing Department; Daniel Fernández Pastrana, Commercial Delegate for Andalusia, Extremadura and Portugal, and Nacho Gómez-Ferrer, Marketing Department.
Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia Financiado por la Unión Europea