Phytosanitaries , Cooling and CA

Tecnidex presents its postharvest solutions in Spain

The fruit and vegetable sector needs more efficient, higher quality post-harvest products to ensure that fruits arrive healthy to the consumer. TECNIDEX, FRUIT PROTECTION is aware of this need and will collaborate in two events that will take place this week in Lleida and which are very important for the sector: the 16th Technical Post-harvest Day of IRTA, which will take place on 16 May, and the 21st Peach and Nectarine Forum, organised by Afrucat this Thursday 18 May.

17 May, 2017
The fruit and vegetable sector needs more efficient, higher quality post-harvest products to ensure that fruits arrive healthy to the consumer. TECNIDEX, FRUIT PROTECTION is aware of this need and will collaborate in two events that are taking take place this week in Lleida and which are very important for the sector: the 16th Technical Post-harvest Day of IRTA, which took place on 16th May, and the 21st Peach and Nectarine Forum, organised by Afrucat this Thursday 18th May.   The main goal of both events, which will bring together the main players in the sector, is to create a forum to help fruit companies learn about the latest advances, as well as new products and technologies, for the protection of fruits in the post-harvest.   At Afrucat's 21st Peach and Nectarine Forum, TECNIDEX, in addition to being one of the sponsors, will give a presentation on the "New effective solutions for stonefruit post-harvest". Its participation was similar in the 16th Technical Post-harvest Day of IRTA (Research Institute of the Generalitat de Catalunya), where it was presented "The latest post-harvest solutions for stone and pome fruit".   In both cases, the spotlight is on one of the products that TECNIDEX markets exclusively: Scholar®, a highly effective fungicide for the prevention of diseases caused by Penicillium expansum, Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, Botrytis cinerea, Rhizopus sp., Monilia spp. and Rhizopus spp., thus facilitating the protection of stone and pome fruit after the harvest.   Scholar® is authorised for its sale and use in stonefruit, pome fruit and citrus fruits in Spain, so that, since the beginning of the campaign, it can already be used to ensure the prevention of diseases in post-harvest and guarantee the quality of the products exported.   The TECNIDEX team will also present its new range of products and innovative Pure Air technologies: Textar® PURE AIR, the solution for optimum ripening control during the storage, transport and sale of fruits, vegetables and flowers; and CONTROL-TEC® CAM PURE AIR, a chamber air purification system featuring two techniques: sterilization and absorption. This reduces the presence of pathogens (fungi and bacteria) in the chamber air, while reducing the amount of ethylene in the chamber, providing optimum storage conditions in a purified environment and leaving no residues of any kind in the fruit.   TECNIDEX is based in Spain, but has a strong international presence, owning 100% of companies in Morocco, Turkey, South Africa, Italy, Greece and Peru. The company has always had a strong commitment to CSR, because of which it collaborates year after year with different social, cultural and sporting projects.
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