Cooling and CA

Testimonials: "Interko?s systems result in the most evenly ripened bananas because they really control the maturity process of the fruit"

Developing bespoke ripening systems to suit specific requirements means customer service and satisfaction is key to INTERKO. Read what Giancarlo Baghetti from Profrío (Chile) has to say about working with Interko and its products. ?Interko?s systems result in the most evenly ripened bananas because they really control the maturity process of the fruit. That?s important because good quality fruit leads to increased prices! Their equipment is also easy to use and doesn?t require much maintenance.

28 June, 2018
Developing bespoke ripening systems to suit specific requirements means customer service and satisfaction is key to INTERKO. Read what Giancarlo Baghetti from Profrío (Chile) has to say about working with Interko and its products. “Interko’s systems result in the most evenly ripened bananas because they really control the maturity process of the fruit. That’s important because good quality fruit leads to increased prices! Their equipment is also easy to use and doesn’t require much maintenance. We started working with Interko 10 years ago to develop four ripening rooms for bananas in Antofagasta, a port city in northern Chile. The following year a competitor asked us to build seven banana ripening rooms, which is the biggest project we’ve done here so far. Together with Interko we’ve also built five banana ripening rooms for Dole Chile in Santiago that hold 24 pallets per room, plus we’ve worked on projects for Del Monte in Argentina and Brazil. We are looking forward to working more with Interko in the future; perhaps for avocados, kiwifruit and citrus (lemons and oranges) which are huge product categories in Chile.” About InterkoSince Interko began in 1968, we have installed over 6,000 fruit ripening rooms worldwide for bananas, avocados, mangoes and papayas – the earliest of which are still in operation and performing well today. We have a reputation for quality, innovation and service. Innovative fruit ripening systems designed for:- Banana ripening- Mango ripening- Avocado ripening- Ripening of other exotic fruits More information
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