
The 2017 South African technical forums reinforce the global image of CITROSOL

The post-harvest technical forums of South Africa (Citrus Research International, CRI) had once again in the recently completed 2017 edition, the presence of Citrosol as a reference in post-harvest technologies. The Valencian company has participated as sponsor and with technical talks about the integral solutions of Citrosol that reduce the fruit shortages and improve its shelf life.

17 April, 2017
The post-harvest technical forums of South Africa (Citrus Research International, CRI) had once again in the recently completed 2017 edition, the presence of Citrosol as a reference in post-harvest technologies. The Valencian company has participated as sponsor and with technical talks about the integral solutions of Citrosol that reduce the fruit shortages and improve its shelf life. Schalk Visser, delivered the technical talks in which the working model of Citrosol, based on results, has been explained to international operators. "Our package are comprehensive solutions to control skin disorders (stained) and the development of rotten, keeping the life of citrus and other fruits. For example: the arrival of Peruvian satsumas to the United Kingdom adds more than 30 days. Our treatments have reduced the rotten of ranges between 5 and 8% to only 0.1-0.3%, with efficiencies between 94 and 99% in control of the rotten”, describes the international coach, contributing with some specific numbers that make visible the added value of the postharvest treatments and technologies of the company.   Integral solutionsIn the lectures Citrosol has shown the innovations that incorporates Citrocide® PC and other disinfectants, coating waxes and elicitors that stimulate citrus resistance to post-harvest physiological disorders such as damage by cold. "Our goal is to achieve results. A comprehensive strategy in which products (fungicides, disinfectants, wax with IMZ emulsified in the factory, etc.) are combined; application systems that reduce industrial variability (robust machinery, with alarms, data records, etc.); an excellent service (configuration, maintenance, customized analysis, etc.) and the good work of the clients (adequate sanitation, collection and hygiene)”, corroborates Visser.   The Citrocide® as an efficient and safe solution in drenchers, rafts and washing machinesCitrocide® Citrosol have played a leading role in these technical forums that have been extended during different days in various localities of the country, covering all its citric areas. An automatic sanitation in the washing machine that avoids cross-contamination and resistant strains with efficiencies close to 100%. Under these premises the Citrocide® PC has captured the interest of the South African professional public. The technician of the International Department of Citrosol has detailed that the systems of the Valencian firm eliminate problems of treatment variability in drencher, contamination and accumulation of dirt, prolong the effectiveness of the treatments and avoid the loss of effectiveness of the fungicides by the appearance of resistances. "The concentrations of broths fungicide are kept constant ensuring the efficacy of the initial treatment. A sanitizing system in which such broths are recycled while maintaining its maximum efficiency, "adds the Citrosol representative. There are also other advantages derived such as the recording of data, the reduction of human errors and the guarantee of a greater labor security. In short, in all these symposiums, Citrosol has described the advantages of its treatment technologies.   Citrosol and R & D + iThe Citrus Research International (CRI) of South Africa has also served to raise awareness of the equipment that incorporates the new facilities of Potríes (Valencia), inaugurated last summer. A new R & D building of Citrosol that connects with the innovative and researching philosophy of the Valencian company. An image that has been strengthened in the 2017 edition of the CRI Postharvest Symposium. Citrosol has presented in this conclave to exporters, commercial operators, academics and postharvest experts the reasons for its leadership in the Mediterranean basin, in countries like Spain and Egypt, and on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean, in markets like Peru.
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