
The 3rd edition of the International Asparagus Days the 29 and 30 octobre 2019 at Angers

The French SIVAL Show and the Italian MACFRUT Show are linking up with the world asparagus specialist, Christian BEFVE, in order to organise the 3rd edition of the International Asparagus Days on Tuesday the 29th and Wednesday 30th October 2019 at the Parc des Expositions in Angers (France). All the main players in the asparagus sector will be present around a rich programme production, growing techniques, harvesting, packing, marketing, both upstream and downstream . Expertise, discussions and business will be at the core of this international rendezvous.

10 October, 2019


The French SIVAL Show and the Italian MACFRUT Show are linking up with the world asparagus specialist, Christian BEFVE, in order to organise the?3rd edition of the International Asparagus Days on Tuesday the 29th and Wednesday 30th October 2019 at the Parc des Expositions in Angers (France). All the main players in the asparagus sector will be present around a rich programme production, growing techniques, harvesting, packing, marketing, both upstream and downstream . Expertise, discussions and business will be at the core of this international rendez-vous. The 29th and 30th October 2019, the show at the Parc des Expositions in Angers:> A show, that will have around 100 international companies that specialise in seeds, plant production, the means and techniques for production, glass houses, machinery and planting equipment transplantation, harvesting, grading, packing, the different services...> Un cycle de conf?rences* for information and for discussing the challenges faced by the asparagus sectorTuesday 29 October? 9h45 - 10h30 - The approach that is applied to asparagus production , or how to reconcile performance and natural inputs ?Maintaining performance without chemicals requires more than one search for equivalent natural solutions. The model needs to be changed and combined with action concerning plant nutrition, stimulating its natural immune system, and the adoption of a program of precise applications that might require equipment for precision agriculture. A case study involving the management of telluric fungal problems, of stemphylium and dealing with crioceris.- Thierry PICAUD - President of Medinbio? 10h45 - 11h30 - Asparagus consumption in France : The current situation and outlookGreen andwhite asparagus, place of purchase, presentation, etc. What do the French prefer depending on their age ?- C?line GENTY - Director of Asperges de France? 11h45 - 12h30 - Harvesting green and white asparagus at night : advantages and disadvantagesHarvesting at night has numerous advantages such as asparagus freshness and quality. It also enables packing to start at dawn with a fresh product with a known quantity and quality. The labour force also prefers nightharvesting: what legislation is there ?- Luis SAN JOS? - President of Hueta Luis San Jose Wednesday 30 October ? 10h - 12h - What type of production for the asparagus sector ? Overview and round tablediscussion coveringconventional production, organic, biodynamic, zero pesticide residues,High Environmental ValueThere are numerous production options available to asparagus producers. In order to confront thesechallenges, and offer concrete answers, several speakers will present the production conditions for organicand biodynamic including the drawbacks and consumer requirements.- Alfredo ALVAREZ - Hortina / Mexican producer, conventional ? organic, bio dynamic- Gilles BERTRANDIAS, President of Collectif Nouveaux Champs- Fr?d?ric POUPARD - President of French, Belgian, Swiss and Madagascar organic asparagusproducers from Langevine- R?gis CHEVALLIER - Certified producer HVE (SCEA DES SABLES), Membre du Bureau de l?Asso pourle D?veloppement de laHVE et Administrateur de la FMN (F?d?ration des Maraichers Nantais).- Gilles BOTREL, Director of Direct Production- Philippe LARRERE, Director of Fermes Larrere > Les d?monstrations IndoorCome and visit the demonstrations being presented by the exhibiting companies in a dedicated 500m2 area in the centre of the Show. These demonstrations will focus on:- Handling plastic mulches ;- Electrical assistance for harvesting green and white asparagus ; > L?AgoraIn a dedicated area, the International Asparagus Days? sponsoring companies will be presenting their activitiesand their know-how.Tuesday 29 October ? 14h - Entreprise HUET 2M ? 15h - Entreprise BAGIONI ? 16h - Entreprise ICL? 17h - Entreprise GLOBAL PLANT GENETICSWednesday 30 October ? 14h - Entreprise FLEURON D?ANJOU ? 15h - Entreprise PLANASA ? 16h - Entreprise HERMELER> The Networking EveningRendez-vous at the Greniers Saint-Jean Tuesday 29 October from 19h.During a Gala dinner, in one of the most emblematic heritage sites in Angers after the first day at the show, all of the sectors members will be able to continue their discussions. Networking guarantees a friendly atmosphere, with entertainment, whilst sampling local products! The 28th and 29th of October 2019Learning expedition ?on the outside? near to Bordeaux and then AngersIn order to find out more about the particular features of asparagus production in France, visitors to International Asparagus Days will be offered the opportunity to participate in a learning expedition and to visit farms and processing sites. 1. The 28th of October, the eve of the show (in Nouvelle-Aquitaine):-Visit at the Lebourg Farm, with the theme ? The innovation gamble ?-Visit at the Planasa Farm, the biggest asparagus producer in France 2. The 31st of October, the day after the Show in the Angers region of the Val de Loire:-Visit at the Poupard Farm, with the theme ? Organic excellence ?-Visit at the Fleuron d?Anjou ? The market gardening benchmark? Come to meet and discuss with all the members of the asparagus sector, whether they are French, or from abroad, at the International Asparagus Days.
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