
The Postharvest Directory, entirely in English language

Since the 15th March, for the first time since the beginning of the internet portals Postharvest and Poscosecha (the Spanish version of Postharvest), the Directorio Poscosecha, the yearbook, also exists entirely in English. The access is by clicking on the banner on the

07 October, 2020


Since the 15th March, for the first time since the beginning of the internet portals Postharvest and Poscosecha (the Spanish version of Postharvest), the Directorio Poscosecha, the yearbook, also exists entirely in English. The access is by clicking on the banner on the Postharvest portal (top of the right side ) or here, in Postharvest Directory. Download as pdf is done via " Share". ? The companies participating are interested to get their products to areas beyond Spain, Portugal and Latin America, where users come predominantly in the Spanish version. As is the case with the Postharvest and Postharvest portals, directories are not identical. We hope to be useful to those seeking information on manufacturers and suppliers of equipment, materials and services for postharvest : agrochemicals; cold storage, ripening, controlled atmospheres, packing house equipment ?grading, sorting, peripherals -, machinery and materials for packaging and logistics tools, information sources, etc. . Companies interested in participating with their products can contact the editors via e ?
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