
The Postharvest Directory, to be published also in English

The present edition of the Postharvest Directory, the number 15, in Spanish language, is available since July 16th. It is a pdf file available for free on the internet. We are very excited about the visits: during the approx. two weeks till today their number exceeds 5000. The information on it is for the fruit, vegetable and ornamental industries

17 June, 2020


The present edition of the Postharvest Directory, the number 15, in Spanish language, is available since July 16th. It is a pdf file?available for free on the internet. We are very excited about the visits: during the approx. two weeks till today their number exceeds 5000. The information on it is for the fruit, vegetable and ornamental industries and value chains, ie, growers, packers, exporters, distributors, supermarkets, suppliers, technicians, consultants, teachers, ... The main language is Spanish, with short English language summaries. Starting this year the Postharvest Directory will also be published fully in English language, multiplying the reach of its messages worldwide. The Postharvest Directory in English language joins our other channels already available to let your customers know about what you offer them; i.e., the internet portals (and in Spanish language), and the newsletters?Postharvest News (sent each Monday; and Poscosecha News, sent each Tuesday, Spanish language). If you would like information about participation in the new English Directory or in any other available options, you can send an email to The pictures belong to part of the previous 15 issues of the Directorio Poscosecha, and the 2nd image is the last issue, 2013/14
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