Cooling and CA

The salad vacuum cooling process in videos

MOELCO specializes in vacuum cooling; installed in Campo de Cartagena, the largest salad growing area in Spain, you can find Moelco vacuum cooling installations in the main lettuce exporters. Designed according to your needs, the vacuum coolers adapt to different size of pallet batches. The vacuum cooling allows a quick reduction of the field temperature, lowering the respiration and the transpiration rates of the produce. Specially suited for leafy vegetables, herbs also take benefit from a quick cooling. The result is a better quality and a longer shelf life. In cycles of around 30 minutes, depending on the product and the field

29 August, 2018
MOELCO specializes in vacuum cooling; installed in Campo de Cartagena, the largest salad growing area in Spain, you can find Moelco vacuum cooling installations in the main lettuce exporters. Designed according to your needs, the vacuum coolers adapt to different size of pallet batches. The vacuum cooling allows a quick reduction of the field temperature, lowering the respiration and the transpiration rates of the produce. Specially suited for leafy vegetables, herbs also take benefit from a quick cooling. The result is a better quality and a longer shelf life. In cycles of around 30 minutes, depending on the product and the field temperature, the load reaches the optimum temperature for storage and transport. Moelco vacuum coolers can be find in different part of the world, including Northern Africa, other European countries beside Spain (Italy, France, Poland, …), America (Central America, Brazil, …). By clicking HERE you can watch two videos showing the vacuum cooling process.  
Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia Financiado por la Unión Europea