In the last years, several seed propagated artichoke hybrids have been successfully introduced in many countries and currently they represent a good alternative to the traditional ones. Artichoke culinary preparation is difficult or tedious and often results a limit for its utilization. Fresh-cut artichokes can improve the consumption of this vegetable. In previous studies, morphological traits and yield characteristics were
Postharvest, poscosecha, postcosecha, artichoke, minimally processed, alcachofa, IV gama In the last years, several seed propagated artichoke hybrids have been successfully introduced in many countries and currently they represent a good alternative to the traditional ones. Artichoke culinary preparation is difficult or tedious and often results a limit for its utilization. Fresh-cut artichokes can improve the consumption of this vegetable. In previous studies, morphological traits and yield characteristics were evaluated on different hybrids. Scarce information on the biometric and qualitative parameters of the new seed-propagated hybrids ?Harmony?, ?Symphony?, ?Madrigal? and ?Opera? are available. This paper describes the suitability of new hybrids for the production of fresh cut artichoke hearts. Artichokes ?heads, cv. Harmony?, ?Symphony?, ?Madrigal? and ?Opera? were harvested in the experimental field ?E. Pantanelli? in Policoro, southern Italy and then directly transported within 2 hours to laboratory for processing. Fresh cut ?artichokes hearts (FCAH), were obtained by the cutting of the floral stalk, (1 cm length), the top of heads, (about at 50% of its total height) and by removing of external bracts. Number, weight, width, length and dry matter of heads were recorded. The refuse of heads trimmed before processing, height of the inflorescence complex (pappus), and atrophic buds were also determined. Colour parameters were made on FCAH surface to measure browning after cutting . A panel test was arranged in order to quantify and to compare the sensorial attributes of different FCAH samples. In general the results underlined the high yield, good heads quality, contemporary of harvest and suitability for FCAH production of the hybrids ?Harmony?, ?Madrigal? and ?Symphony?. The processed yield ranged from 48% for ?Harmony? and ?Symphony? to 33% for ?Opera?. Appearance, colour and total score were highest for ?Harmony? and ?Symphony?, whereas the hearts of the ?Opera? showed dark browning colour within 1 min after cutting. Original title, full list of authors and source:Suitability of New Artichoke Hybrids for Fresh-cut ProductionN. Calabrese, A. Carito, F. Baruzzi, V. CarrieriInstitute of Sciences of Food Production, National Research Council of Italy Via Amendola, 122/O 70126 Bari, Italy, nicola.calabrese@ispa.cnr.itII ISHS International Conference on Quality Management of Fresh Cut Produce: Convenience Food for a Tasteful Life, 17-21 July 2011, Turin - Italy, Fresh Cut The picture is by ?