The physicochemical properties, pulp firmness and browning index of fresh-cut green plantain (Musa AAB Simmonds) were evaluated during 21 days of storage at a temperature of 11 ? 2 ? C and 92 ? 2% relative humidity. Green plantain is one of the fruits of largest production and consumption in Colombia. However, when the fruit suffers mechanical damages, such as cuts, changes occur in appearance and taste, due to the metabolic activity commonly found in climacteric crop. The green plantain (physiologically mature) was sanitized with chlorinated water, the peel was removed, cut in slices,
The physicochemical properties, pulp firmness and browning index of fresh-cut green plantain (Musa AAB Simmonds) were evaluated during 21 days of storage at a temperature of 11 ? 2 ? C and 92 ? 2% relative humidity. Green plantain is one of the fruits of largest production and consumption in Colombia. However, when the fruit suffers mechanical damages, such as cuts, changes occur in appearance and taste, due to the metabolic activity commonly found in climacteric crop. The green plantain (physiologically mature) was sanitized with chlorinated water, the peel was removed, cut in slices, immersed in antioxidant solutions of L-cysteine 0.5% (w/v), citric acid 0.92% (w/v) and control (without immersion) and conditioned in polyethylene vacuum bags and PET boxes. During storage it was found that the slices treated with citric acid and L-cysteine prevented enzymatic browning and when conditioning in vacuum bags the conservation is prolonged in at least 21 days. Organoleptic evaluation pending. SourcesEfecto del Uso de Antioxidantes en Pl?tano Verde Dominico-Hart?n (Musa AAB Simmonds) Cortado en RodajasEffect of use of Antioxidants on Green Plantain Slices Dominico-Harton (Musa AAB Simmonds)Sa?l Duss?n-Sarria*, Andr?s Felipe Gaona-Acevedo y Jose Igor Hleap-ZapataFac. de Ingenier?a y Administraci?n, Univ. Nacional de Colombia - Sede Palmira. A.A. 237. Palmira, Valle del Cauca, Colombia. (e-mail: tecnol. vol.28 no.4 La Serena 2017 Picture by