
VAM WaterTech refreshing agrofood video or how to get continuous supply of pure water, with an efficient re-use of water

In a world in which an expanding world population demands increasingly more clean water as a basic necessity and a production resource for healthy food, VAM WaterTech AGF develops innovative water purification solutions for the packaging -and treatment of fresh produce, which makes consumers, the environment and the industry healthier. VAM WaterTech develop, supplies and maintains complete water purification techniques, enabling you to safely, efficiently and reliably re-use up to 100% of your washing water. With an extensive knowledge about agrifood processing, all regulation and technologies, VAM offers the best solutions to work with the purest water. "Our passion for Agrifood, the environment, and its natural sources is what drives us". Focus are: - Environment - Increasing agriculture and industry - Increased food production

27 May, 2019
In a world in which an expanding world population demands increasingly more clean water as a basic necessity and a production resource for healthy food, VAM WaterTech AGF develops innovative water purification solutions for the packaging -and treatment of fresh produce, which makes consumers, the environment and the industry healthier. VAM WaterTech develop, supplies and maintains complete water purification techniques, enabling you to safely, efficiently and reliably re-use up to 100% of your washing water. A video explains the process. With an extensive knowledge about agrifood processing, all regulation and technologies, VAM offers the best solutions to work with the purest water. "Our passion for Agrifood, the environment, and its natural sources is what drives us". Focus are:- Environment- Increasing agriculture and industry- Increased food production- Care and devotion for quality- Efficient food processing- Sustainable, safe and healthy food  How VAM worksEvery VAM WaterTech solution is custom-made. The video explains that "Our experts visit you to first discuss and inventory your needs, so we can offer a fitting solution tailored to your wishes and circumstances.  After determining the desired solution, our engineers and mechanics provide a VAM WaterTech clean water supply system that seamlessly connects to your existing or new washing line."  The professional advises is based on more than 20 years of experience, through analysis of your situation, full design service, craftsmanship, complete installation in VAM´s factory, including full functional test, transport in modules, quick installation on-site, start-up advice and service.   Installations include leafage filtration, sand extraction, extraction of dirt and clay, removal of solidified product, ... what allows to a closed cycle, with continuous supply of pure water, with an efficient re-use of water, and food-safe production.Some reference projectsThe video ends showing some reference projects:- Switzerland, potato packaging machine- England, potato processing machine- Netherlands, industrial potato processing machine- Germany, potato packaging machine- England, another potato processing machine- Middle-East, potato packaging machine- France, potato packaging machine- Finland, carrot packaging machine VAM is also frequently active in the fruit industry, among others.
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