Phytosanitaries , Cooling and CA

Very positive balance for TECNIDEX in Fruit Logistica 2017

TECNIDEX FRUIT PROTECTION, closes its participation in the 2017 edition with a very positive balance. The company, which has been present in Berlin by the hand of GLOBALG.A.P., has received in its stand numerous visits of representatives of different countries. The response of the sector to the innovations presented during the fair has been unbeatable.

01 March, 2017
TECNIDEX FRUIT PROTECTION, closes its participation in the 2017 edition with a very positive balance. The company, which has been present in Berlin by the hand of GLOBALG.A.P., has received in its stand numerous visits of representatives of different countries. The response of the sector to the innovations presented during the fair has been unbeatable. This outstanding event has been a perfect setting for the presentation of the innovations in the already wide range of TECNIDEX. In the line of phytosanitary products and phytochemicals, Textar® has highlighted the new range of Textar® COAD, which includes products with a very effective action during the processes of sanitization and disinfection not only of fruits (citrus, peppers and tomatoes) to their arrival to the warehouses but of their washing waters as well. Its continuous use together with other technological solutions CONTROL-TEC®, allows to maintain the microbiological quality of the process waters, to reuse them, to minimize the spills and to optimize the consumption during the processes of preparation of citrus fruits, peppers and tomatoes. In addition, this range does not generate crossed resistances, thus guaranteeing the maximum agro-alimentary security and as it is not contributing to additional residues, it does not have any negative impact on the commercial value of the fruit.   The other great innovation of this line is the Textar® PURE AIR range, new formulations that eliminate the ethylene by means of the absorption technique, thus extending the shelf-life of the fruits in their processes of conservation and logistics, facilitating its perfect conditions when reaching the final customer. Products that leave no residue on the fruit are highly recommended for fruits that have to endure long stretches or that are very sensitive to ethylene. These formulations can be used in combination with the new air purification and sterilization equipment CONTROL-TEC® CAM PURE AIR, another of the company's innovations. CONTROL-TEC® CAM PURE AIR is a chamber air purification system that incorporates two techniques, sterilization and absorption. This reduces the pathogens (fungi and bacteria) present in the chamber air, while reducing the amount of ethylene in the chamber, providing optimum conservation in a purified environment and leaving no residues of any kind in the fruit. This system, which has a range of equipment that can be adapted to different sizes of cameras, has the particularity that it can work in continuous, with a very low level of energy consumption, which allows our clients to be able to use them in chambers with a continuous in and out movement of fruit. In the line of waxes, detergents and coatings (Teycer®), TECNIDEX has introduced the new Teycer® C CITRUS LEAF, a special wax-based formulation that helps maintain the freshness of leafy fruits, increasing their brightness, avoiding losses Of weight and lengthening its life. In addition to the new catalog of waxes have been incorporated the ranges specifically designed for different fruits such as the special formulations Teycer® C AVOCADO WAX, Teycer® C MANGO WAX and Teycer® C APPLE WAX. It is important to note that all these new formulations have been created with the aim of improving the appearance of fruits and lengthening their life, as well as reducing their dehydration and staining of their skin, without contributing residues to the fruit that diminish their commercial value. In addition to these latest innovations, TECNIDEX also has in its catalog of post-harvest fungicides with exclusive products, including Scholar® for the control of the main fungi in post-harvest and authorized worldwide for almost all fruits; Bravatia® indicated for the control of a wide range of pathogenic fungi, including Geotrichum candidum which makes it the great ally of Citrus Health. The strong and constant commitment to innovation has allowed TECNIDEX to make a difference another year and close its way through this contest with a wide catalog of health and food safety solutions for the post-harvest sector. TECNIDEX is headquartered in Valencia (Spain) but has a strong international presence, exporting to over 30 countries and with 100% owned companies in Morocco, Turkey, South Africa, Italy, Greece and Peru (2017).
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