Cooling and CA , Measurements

Visit of technicians of Argentina fruit exporters to Absoger

Argentina counts on some of the main suppliers of apples and pears worldwide; Argentina fruit requires high and updated technologies to reach even the more distant markets in the best condition. On 7 and 8 October, the company ABSOGER, specialist in controlled atmosphere equipment and facilities, hosted at its factory in France twelve agronomists of the largest companies of pears and apples from

30 November, -0001
Argentina counts on some of the main suppliers of apples and pears worldwide; Argentina fruit requires high and updated technologies to reach even the more distant markets in the best condition. On 7 and 8 October, the company ABSOGER, specialist in controlled atmosphere equipment and facilities, hosted at its factory in France twelve agronomists of the largest companies of pears and apples from Argentina. The program included many activities: company overview, visit to the famous French group BlueWhale (Absoger client), meeting in a research center, etc. The two days were intense and very constructive, and Absoger wish to say “Thanks!” to the entire group of professionals for the visit. Absoger offer includes all the necessary equipment for the installation of cameras controlled atmosphere, CA, chambers, including ultra low oxygen (ULO) and Extreme ULO (X-ULO ), as well as the latest technology to control ethylene levels in cold storage. It´s the ECOscrub case, an equipment based on the modern technology of photocatalysis, to eliminate ethylene, carbon dioxide and airborne pathogens. The system is specially suited to work in ULO conditions, with regeneration of nitrogen . ABSOGER, based in France, counts with installations in Argentina, in the city of Mendoza, where it serves both producers and exporters of this country and Chile.
Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia Financiado por la Unión Europea