Conditioning , Cooling and CA , Packaging , Processing

Worldwide happy potato, carrot, parsnip, ? growers

WYMA´s web site includes testimonials and case studies. Some of the last are Mr. Sergio Goiz, who defines as excellent the performance of Vege-Polisher? for his carrot business. Or, Mr. Bruce Rollinson (in the picture), who grows, packs and markets 40 ha of parsnips, ?and the most loved vegeta¬ble, brussels sprouts!?, and is very proud of improved parsnip presentation. Dounan Farmer?s Association counts on a packinghouse with a 7 t/hr Wyma carrot line (in the picture), with which it gained access to the

30 November, -0001
WYMA´s web site includes testimonials and case studies. Some of the last are Mr. Sergio Goiz, who defines as excellent the performance of Vege-Polisher™ for his carrot business. Or, Mr. Bruce Rollinson (in the picture), who grows, packs and markets 40 ha of parsnips, “and the most loved vegeta¬ble, brussels sprouts!”, and is very proud of improved parsnip presentation.Dounan Farmer’s Association counts on a packinghouse with a 7 t/hr Wyma carrot line (in the picture), with which it gained access to the largest supermarket chain in Asia and has also recently been approached by several Japanese importers impressed with the appearance of the carrots.For Mr. Patrizio Cavazos, an innovative technology is key to business growth. The vast majority of the potatoes he washes and packs are supplied by three of his un¬cles. They jointly own one of the largest potato growing operations in Mexico and are pioneers in innovating and introducing new potato growing and harvesting technology in the country.  “Since the installation of the Wyma equipment, we are recognized for the quality of our potatoes and our processing costs have considerably decreased. With this reliable equipment, we can now focus on personal service to our increasing number of customers and stop wor¬rying about machinery breakdowns and the quality of the final produce”.WYMA Case Studies
Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia Financiado por la Unión Europea