Conditioning , Cooling and CA , Packaging , Processing

Wyma?s new Conveyors & Elevators offer safety, longevity and flexibility

WYMA?s brand new Roller Bed Conveyors & Elevators transport produce efficiently to different parts of your line. Produce is fed on to the conveyor or elevator and is transported in the direction of belt rotation. The belt runs on stainless steel rollers for a smooth and even motion. Return drums help with belt tension and also make sure there is no belt slippage. Conveyors can have produce sweeps included to divide produce flow, if needed. In-feed and out-feed chutes are available.

10 February, 2017
WYMA’s brand new Roller Bed Conveyors & Elevators transport produce efficiently to different parts of your line. Produce is fed on to the conveyor or elevator and is transported in the direction of belt rotation. The belt runs on stainless steel rollers for a smooth and even motion. Return drums help with belt tension and also make sure there is no belt slippage. Conveyors can have produce sweeps included to divide produce flow, if needed. In-feed and out-feed chutes are available. Elevators have 50 mm high cleats along the belt so they can transport produce to different heights. A gooseneck can also be added for feeding produce gently to the next stage in your line. Key features and benefits:- Backstop: prevents produce roll-back- Urethane drums: longer life and more grip- Central tracking strips: easy belt tracking set-up, keeps belt tracking properly, easy belt replacement and catches less debris- Fully covered bearings: safe operation- Fully supported belt edges: safe operation and less produce loss or jamming- Stainless belt support rollers: less friction as belt moves; saves power- Modular design: gives flexibility during installation and allows for modifications at a later date- Seamless return rollers: smooth operation and long life For more information on Wyma's new conveyors and elevators please contact a member of its sales team
Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia Financiado por la Unión Europea