
Non-destructive assessment of fruit attributes

Prof. Kerry Walsh and Prof. Guglielmo Costa invite to attend the Symposium on Non-destructive Assessment of Fruit Attributes, during the International Horticultural Congress 2014, 17-22 August, Brisbane, Australia. The Symposium will review the state of the art in terms of the available technologies and their application, and will attempt to forecast future developments through the following themes, with presentations invited in

06 July, 2020
Prof. Kerry Walsh and Prof. Guglielmo Costa invite to attend the Symposium on Non-destructive Assessment of Fruit Attributes, during the International Horticultural Congress 2014, 17-22 August, Brisbane, Australia. The Symposium will review the state of the art in terms of the available technologies and their application, and will attempt to forecast future developments through the following themes, with presentations invited in all areas: 1. 'Sensor technologies' ? this theme addresses the development of non-destructive assessment technologies and of specific methods relevant to the assessment of fruit attributes (e.g. fruit maturity or firmness). An overview will be presented of relevant technologies. 2. 'Application development' ? this theme addresses the development of uses of non-invasive assessment technologies in context of fruit quality. Apparent bottlenecks and benefits will be addressed. 3. 'Decision Support Systems' ? this theme addresses the development of information systems that utilize data from non-destructive assessments to inform pre- or post-harvest management decisions. More information
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