


2024, A Year of Changes in the Postharvest Community

This text serves as the prologue to the Directorio Poscosecha de Novedades 2024 (in Spanish), a printed document that compiles the key innovations in the sector. This directory will be distributed to our readers during Fruit Attraction

Directorio Poscosecha 2024.png
12 September, 2024

With over 20 years of experience, Poscosecha.com has established itself as a daily source of updated news, technical, and commercial information on leading companies in preservation, packaging, and processing technologies for fruits, vegetables, and ornamentals. This commitment is reflected in its website, two weekly newsletters, Poscosecha News (distributed on Tuesdays and Fridays), and an active presence on LinkedIn.

The platform collaborates with more than 80 clients, including institutions, trade fairs, and technology providers in key postharvest areas such as refrigeration, crop protection, packaging, conditioning, measurement, processing, services, and the development of new varieties.

Thanks to these efforts, Poscosecha.com has positioned itself as the reference portal for producers, technicians, warehouse managers, researchers, buyers, and supermarkets in Spain, Portugal, and Latin America.

On the other hand, Postharvest.biz publishes daily news and technical-commercial content in English. Through its website and the weekly Postharvest News newsletter, sent every Monday, Postharvest.biz caters to international non-Spanish-speaking audiences, establishing itself as a global reference in the postharvest sector.


Website Updates: Design and Functionality

At the beginning of this year, we launched new versions of Poscosecha.com and Postharvest.biz, featuring a completely revamped design and an optimized user experience. These platforms now offer an expanded range of functionalities that simplify access to news, technical, and commercial content, enhancing navigation for both our Spanish-speaking and international users. With this update, we reaffirm our commitment to providing high-quality, up-to-date information in the postharvest sector, while also making easy the opportunity to be part of the Postharvest Community.

Additionally, we took advantage of this renovation to integrate the Biblioteca Horticultura within Poscosecha.com, accessible through the "Biblioteca" section in the main menu. This section offers a wide collection of specialized technical documents in the fruit and vegetable sector. We also conducted a complete website restyling, streamlining searches for books, authors, and topics, facilitating access to key resources for professionals in the field.

Access the English book catalog at Biblioteca Horticultura


New Directorio Poscosecha de Novedades 2024: Now in Print

Moreover, we’ve taken a big step with the new Directorio Poscosecha de Novedades 2024, which replaces the traditional Directorio Poscosecha (in Spanish). This completely renewed edition marks a milestone for us, as, for the first time, we are returning to the printed format after years of exclusively working with digital media. In this directory, each company will feature a product or service, accompanied by a QR code that directs users to the corresponding profile on Poscosecha.com.

The directory will be published in physical format and distributed at Fruit Attraction, offering our advertisers a unique opportunity to reach potential customers directly. We expect this change to have a significant impact on the sector, combining the best of traditional formats with the advantages of digital technology.


Key Postharvest Updates and Events for 2024/2025

III Postharvest Citrus Day

Following the success of the previous edition, which attracted over 700 participants, the Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Agrarias (IVIA), AgroBank, and Poscosecha.com are organizing the III Jornada Poscosecha de Cítricos. The event takes place on Thursday, September 19 at 4:00 p.m. at CaixaBank Banca Privada in Valencia. The meeting brings together technicians, warehouse managers, researchers, buyers, and other professionals in the sector to analyze the commercial and technical results of the previous season and present forecasts and innovations for the upcoming citrus season.

Launch of the Book "Water Sustainability in Horticulture and Postharvest"

We are pleased to announce the release of the book Sostenibilidad Hídrica en Horticultura y Poscosecha, a comprehensive guide exploring the most advanced strategies and technologies for efficient water management, a resource that is increasingly scarce. The book covers key topics such as fertigation, sensors, mulching, deficit irrigation, crop protection, and techniques for the conditioning and processing of fruits and vegetables. Written by renowned experts in the horticultural sector, the resource will be available for free download in PDF format through Tecnologiahorticola.com, Poscosecha.com, and their newsletters for at least two years. The official presentation will take place at Cajamar’s stand during Fruit Attraction.

New Digital Magazine "Actual Poscosecha"

This year we are launching the digital magazine Actual Poscosecha, an annual publication dedicated to compiling the most notable scientific and technological advances in the sector in 2024. The magazine will be officially presented at the Citrosol stand during the next edition of Fruit Attraction.

To ensure the quality of the content, we have a team of top-level technical advisors, including Drs. Lluís Palou and Alejandra Salvador from IVIA, Daniel Valero from UMH, Lorenzo Zacarías from IATA-CSIC, Francisco Artés from UPCT, Neus Teixidó and Gemma Echeverría from IRTA, and Benito Orihuel from Citrosol. The articles will be distributed through Poscosecha.com, Biblioteca Horticultura, and the Poscosecha News newsletter, ensuring wide visibility and access.

VIII Postharvest Technology Course – Citrus and Emerging Crops in the Mediterranean Region

We are pleased to announce that we are preparing the eighth edition of the VIII Curso de Tecnología Poscosecha - Cítricos y Cultivos Emergentes en la región mediterránea, to be held in early 2025 at the Universitat Politècnica de València (Spain). Based on the success of previous editions, the course will be offered in both in-person and online (streaming) formats, allowing participants to attend live or access recorded classes to view at any time. Attendees will be able to interact with the professors and classmates, enriching their educational experience.



In this edition of the Directorio Poscosecha de Novedades 2024, we would like to express our deepest gratitude to all the companies and institutions that are part of the Postharvest Community. Their constant support and collaboration have been fundamental in consolidating Poscosecha.com as the leading platform in the sector, offering updated technical and commercial information on a daily basis for over two decades.

The renewal of our platforms Poscosecha.com and Postharvest.biz, as well as the integration of Horticulture Library, is the result of this shared effort. This collaborative work allows us to offer a quality service, facilitating access to a wide range of resources that enrich the knowledge and development of the sector.

To the companies that trust us to share their products and services through the new 2024 Postharvest Directory of Innovations, we thank you for supporting this new stage in printed format. Your participation has allowed us to return to a traditional format, complemented with the best of digital technology, offering a valuable tool to reach new customers.

Finally, we extend our thanks to all the people, teams, and collaborators whose efforts make the success of activities such as the Postharvest Citrus Day, the launch of the new digital magazine Actual Poscosecha, and the Postharvest Technology Course possible.

To all of you, our sincerest thanks for being part of this project and for continuing to walk with us in the continuous improvement of postharvest technology.

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