
Positive effects of calcium nitrate on cucumber yield and storage

Sarah Velo (2025) states calcium nitrate extendend storage shelf life, and decreased fresh weight loss, between other benefits

picolino cucumber b.JPG
06 March, 2025

Cucumber plants var. Pipinito (Cucumis sativus L.) were grown in an open field and treated with different levels of calcium nitrate (75g, 150g, and 225g) to assess its performance with different characters for pre-harvest study.

The objective of the study was to evaluate the effects of calcium nitrate at different concentrations on plant growth, yield and fruit storability at room temperature storage.

The fruits from the same grown plants were then used for the postharvest losses assessment using different level of calcium nitrate (9.36g/2L, 18.75g/2L, 28.125g/2L) by dipping the fruits for 20 minutes on the prepared solution.


Calcium nitrate application at 150g (T3) resulted to higher yield and has positive effect in most of characters studied. 

Also, treatment of calcium nitrate on fruits after harvest was beneficial in controlling fruit weight loss and maintaining TSS at higher level during storage.

Postharvest application of calcium nitrate to cucumber fruits in this study extend storage shelf life, decrease fresh weight loss, decrease leakage of electrolytes and ascorbic acid content and ethylene production.

Moreover, the storability and quality of cucumber fruits was prolonged due to the positive effect of calcium nitrate application.


Ravelo, S. (2025). The influence of calcium nitrate at different concentrations on plant growth, yield and fruit storability of cucumber “Cucumis sativus L.” VAR. PIPINITO. Proceedings of the International Conference on Agriculture, 9(1), 57–68.

Holmes Seed,


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