Good results with organic fertilization in beet

The beet (Beta vulgaris L.) vegetable is of great importance in the Brazilian market, mainly by having high nutritional values in consumer diet. Thus, the objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of organic and mineral fertilization on the production and post-harvest quality of beet. The experiment was conducted in the field, in the municipality of Uruta?-GO. The experimental design was a randomized block (DCB), where treatments were applied to two types of fertilizer: - organic (chicken manure) and - conventional (mineral fertilizer)

05 July, 2018
The beet (Beta vulgaris L.) vegetable is of great importance in the Brazilian market, mainly by having high nutritional values in consumer diet. Thus, the objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of organic and mineral fertilization on the production and post-harvest quality of beet. The experiment was conducted in the field, in the municipality of Uruta?-GO. The experimental design was a randomized block (DCB), where treatments were applied to two types of fertilizer: - organic (chicken manure) and - conventional (mineral fertilizer) with six replicates (using six tubers per plot). The following evaluations were made: horizontal and vertical diameters of the tubers (cm) weight (kg) Protein (g) Lipid (%) Ash humidity (%), electrical conductivity (?S?cm-1), pH, Titratable Acidity and Brix. The organic surpassed conventional treatment for all variables, except for the ash content, wherein the organic treating poultry litter base, showed 1.40% of ash and pH (6.48).? SourcesInfluence of Fertilizer Type on Beet Production and Post-Harvest Quality CharacteristicCarmen Rosa da Silva Curv?lo1, Layane Hyasmin Bernardes Diniz1, Alexandre Igor de Azevedo Pereira1, Luiz Leonardo Ferreira2?1Goiano Federal Institute, Campus Uruta?, Uruta?, Brasil.2University Center of Mineiros?UNIFIMES, Mineiros, BrasilAgricultural Sciences,?9, 557-565DOI: 10.4236/as.2018.95038?Picture by Dietnut,?La dieta de la remolacha o betabel
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