Plasma to produce fresh air, free from pathogens and other pollutants

Air pollution in the cool chambers, packinghouses, display areas,? leads to lesser storage and shelf life in fruits and vegetables. Bacteria, fungi present in the air can cause diseases in the produce, as well as undesirable gases such as ethylene and others may affect negatively the quality. In physics and chemistry, plasma is the name for the fourth state of aggregation of matter, a fluid state similar to the gaseous state but in which a certain proportion of its particles are electrically charged (ionized). ) and do not have electromagnetic balance, so they are good electrical conductors. The electric charges of the plasma are able to destroy

09 May, 2022
Air pollution in the cool chambers, packinghouses, display areas,… leads to lesser storage and shelf life in fruits and vegetables. Bacteria, fungi present in the air can cause diseases in the produce, as well as undesirable gases such as ethylene and others may affect negatively the quality. In physics and chemistry, plasma is the name for the fourth state of aggregation of matter, a fluid state similar to the gaseous state but in which a certain proportion of its particles are electrically charged (ionized). ) and do not have electromagnetic balance, so they are good electrical conductors. The electric charges of the plasma are able to destroy organic matter (fungi, bacteria), as well as gases. Vietnam Plasma Technology is a company born as a 4.0 technology breakthrough in solutions to filter and reproduce fresh air. Using bipolar ionization technology, positive and negative bipolar air ions are released into the environment from the power supply tubes, which begin the journey to find and neutralize pollutants. This is far superior to traditional air filtration methods. Bipolar ions bind to pollutants, ultrafine dust increases in size, mass and falls to the floor, or returns to the filter, making them easily cleaned from the atmosphere. Bipolar ions also directly and negatively affect the DNA structure of bacteria and viruses, thereby destroying them quickly. The equipment Air Plasma Air Purifier is suitable for cool chambers, packinghouses, and other industries, supermarkets, as well as clubs, hotels, nursing homes, clinics, pet stores, cars, etc. Negative ions created by Plasma technology, when entering the human body through inhalation, will have a positive effect on human health. Different models are suited for different room sizes, from 50 to 450m2, and according to the calculation of the actual environmental area or odor concentration, adjust the switches 1/2/3 to select the number of ions. Picture 1 – Vietnam Air Plasma Technology equipment 2 – Nguyen Dinh Thi, Managing Director Vietnam Air Plasma Technology, and Alicia Namesny,, during Macfrut 2022
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