Induction of inherent host defence mechanisms by chemicals, microbes or plant extracts has shown promise in plant disease management in the field. While effects differ with pathogens, plant and even cultivars, induced systemic resistance (ISR) affects a wide range of pathogens, including, fungi, bacteria, viruses and nematodes. In IPM Innovation Laboratory projects in South and Southeast Asia trials using Trichoderma harzianum or T. viridae, practical reduction of diseases caused by fungal, bacterial, viral and root knot nematodes has been demonstrated in
Induction of inherent host defence mechanisms by chemicals, microbes or plant?extracts has shown promise in plant disease management in the field. While effects?differ with pathogens, plant and even cultivars, induced systemic resistance (ISR)?affects a wide range of pathogens, including, fungi, bacteria, viruses and nematodes.In IPM Innovation Laboratory projects in South and Southeast Asia trials using?Trichoderma harzianum or T. viridae, practical reduction of diseases caused by?fungal, bacterial, viral and root knot nematodes has been demonstrated in farmers?fields on crops such as eggplant, tomato, pepper and various cucurbits. Results of?these field trials and grower experiences will be discussed. In the USA, we have?used foliar applied Bacillus mycoides isolate J (BmJ Microbial Fungicide, Certis?USA) a well characterized ISR inducer for control of cucumber diseases including?anthracnose, cucumber mosaic virus and angular leaf spot; tomato diseases?including; tobacco mosaic virus, Botrytis grey mold , bacterial speck, bacterial spot?and early blight, downy mildew of spinach and Sclerotinia white mold, early blight?and potato virus Y (PVY) in potatoes. Direct effects on aphid vectors of PVY have?been noted. Control is often equivalent to modern pesticide controls, however control?is generally in the 70-90% range and failures have been seen under extremelysevere epiphytotics. Thus it is critical that ISR be used in an integrated control?program. Examples will be discussed, where BmJ is used within an integrated?disease management program using pesticides, cultural controls, and moderately?resistant cultivars. SourcesINDUCED SYSTEMIC RESISTANCE FOR DISEASE MANAGEMENT IN?VEGETABLE CROPSJacobsen, BJ1, Muniappan, R2uplbj@montana.edu1Montana State University, Bozeman, MT, USA2Virginia Tech University/IPM Innovation Laboratory, Blacksburg, VA, USA IHC 2014, International Horticulture Congress, 17-22 August 2014, Brisbane,? by?