POSTHARVEST DIRECTORY - Minimally processed

Find out how slim the new Corda Invicta is

A few weeks ago, we talked about the jump we?ve made with the KIREMKO Corda Invicta. One of the key benefits of the CORDA Invicta is how slimit is. Here?s why: Thanks to a compact fryer pan and a unique new oil injection system, it has 30% less oil content compared to other models of its kind. Smart engineering and innovative industrial design have significantly reduced the floor footprint down with at least 15%. Thanks to these features and all other innovations we implemented, the CORDA Invicta is leaps ahead in frying. Guaranteeing a consistent, high-end product, regardless of layer thickness.

02 August, 2021
A few weeks ago, we talked about the jump we’ve made with the KIREMKO Corda Invicta. One of the key benefits of the CORDA Invicta is how slimit is. Here’s why: Thanks to a compact fryer pan and a unique new oil injection system, it has 30% less oil content compared to other models of its kind. Smart engineering and innovative industrial design have significantly reduced the floor footprint down with at least 15%. Thanks to these features and all other innovations we implemented, the CORDA Invicta is leaps ahead in frying. Guaranteeing a consistent, high-end product, regardless of layer thickness. About KiremkoThe history of frying and Kiremko is very old. After the Second World War, the ‘snack bar’ phenomenon emerged. Kirema, as Kiremko was then called, soon began developing deep fryers for this emerging form of hospitality industry. With the emergence of the pre-fried fries, which developed into a first form of French fries industry in the 1960s, the first continuous pre-frying lines were developed. Kirema decided in 1965 to set up an industry branch for the emerging French fries industry. The name of the company Kirema Konstruktie was shortened to Kiremko. Frying remained the most important part of the French fries pre-frying lines. The pre-frying process for fries was deep frying in frying fat or oil. Sliced ??potato strips were transported through the oil on a conveyor belt and fried with it. The heating of the oil bath was with a so-called internal exchanger. These exchangers were a collection of tubes immersed in the oil and positioned under the conveyor belt. The heating medium was thermal oil or steam. You could call this method of frying “slow cooking” . The frying temperatures were generally quite low, about 140 C to 160 C degrees. The strips slowly got to the frying temperature and sort of blanched in the oil.
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