
ALL LEMON reinforces emphasis on quality

ALL LEMON, the quality seal for exported lemons from Argentina, expects its 2015 lemon harvest to exceed the volume achieved last year, although final numbers are still likely to be down slightly on what would usually be considered a 'normal crop'. The trees have yet to adapt biologically and recover from the weather conditions of 2013, including the worst frosts in 50 years, followed by a period of drought in spring 2013/summer 2014, which combined led to a 60% decrease in

11 March, 2021
ALL LEMON, the quality seal for exported lemons from Argentina, expects its 2015 lemon harvest to exceed the volume achieved last year, although final numbers are still likely to be down slightly on what would usually be considered a 'normal crop'. The trees have yet to adapt biologically and recover from the weather conditions of 2013, including the worst frosts in 50 years, followed by a period of drought in spring 2013/summer 2014, which combined led to a 60% decrease in production during 2014 compared with a 'regular season'. In addition to these factors that caused a reduction in the 2014 crop, there was a noted productive disorder in the orchards which will have an impact on the 2015 crop. Forecasts suggest the final output could be 15-20% lower than what would be considered to be a 'normal' season. "Looking at the worldwide situation for lemon production that coincides with our own season it is important to note that to date there have been very low temperatures recorded in the Northern Hemisphere's production zones, including Spain and Turkey, which could also have some impact on the development of fruit yet to be harvested," explains Romain Corneille, chairman of ALL LEMON. "These factors have to be taken into account since they influence both the start and end of Argentina's lemon season and must be monitored in order to supply the correct volumes of ALL LEMON-audited lemons to clients overseas." Although it is still too early to provide a full outlook for the 2015 lemon crop, Corneille says the group will tackle head on the challenges that the crop variations will bring. In addition, he assures that ALL LEMON will deal with the difficulties posed by the financial situation in the key export markets for Argentinian lemons, namely Europe and Russia, which are facing an increasingly weak euro and a Russian rouble that is devaluating at an unprecedented rate. ?It is precisely at times like these that you have to be more creative and even more proactive in order to maintain the position of leadership that ALL LEMON has achieved," Corneille explains. "We insist on sticking to the same formula that has always been effective for us and that is to work tirelessly on the quality of our control processes?. Carlos Parravicini, vice-president of ALL LEMON, adds that buying a lemon that has been grown with care and professionally audited offers the greatest client security. "Being aware of this, ALL LEMON has raised its quality standards season after season, introducing ever more detailed classification procedures and raising the bar to the highest levels when it comes to deciding which lemons should or should not be packed into a box for export," Parravicini notes. "Our goal is to ensure that each and every client receives the quality fruit that they have ordered. ?Even if this coming season is more complex than usual due to various biological and macroeconomic factors, which are out of our control, the clients have our assurance that we shall continue to work with the utmost care and detail to ensure that they will only be supplied with the very best lemons?. ALL LEMON celebrated its sixth consecutive year at the world's leading trade show Fruit Logistica 2015 on 4-6 February with the launch of THINK LEMON, a complete digital source of information about lemons. Visitors to the new website now have access to extensive information on the nutritional benefits and uses of this highly versatile fruit. About ALL LEMON ? Tested & Certified for ExportALL LEMON ? Tested & Certified for Export is the quality seal for Argentinean lemon exports that was created in 2010 by the main lemon producers, packers and exporters in the country, especially those from the province of Tucum?n which ranks as the leading lemon production area in the world. The aim of ALL LEMON is to standardise and homogenise the quality of exported lemons from Argentina. To achieve this, a protocol was created and designed which outlines the determined parameters that must be met when selecting lemons for export. This protocol was established by independent bodies with experience in the Food Division of the Secretariat for Food and Agriculture in Tucum?n and by the Ministry for Productive Development in Tucum?n. A team of independent professionals carries out detailed controls five times per week at every packhouse involved in the scheme. In 2014 ALL LEMON successfully passed the quality certification audit leading to international ISO 9001-2008 certification. The main attributes that make ALL LEMON-certified fruit so special include: safety, traceability, long shelf-life, high juice content and a strong cosmetic appearance. The companies certified by ALL LEMON are: Argenti Lemon, Cauqu?n, Cecilia Mart?nez Zuccardi, Citromax, Citrusvil, Expofrut Argentina-Univeg, F.G.F. Trapani, Frutucum?n, Juan Sigstad SRL, La Moraleja SA, La Patria SRL, Latin Lemon, Ledesma, Mo?o Azul, Pablo Padilla and San Miguel. ALL LEMON's audited members also comply with international certifications for quality, including GlobalGAP, among others. As an organization, ALL LEMON is open for membership to other Argentinean exporters who wish to use the quality seal. For more information about ALL LEMON, For more information about THINK LEMON, ?
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