
Freshness assured with the Xtend MA Packaging for apples and pears

The O2 reduction coupled with the CO2 accumulation inhibits fruit softening, skin bruising and browning and fungus decay development. The high humidity in the Xtend® by Stepac, reduces weight loss and shriveling and thereby maintain the fresh appearance of the apples and pears.

30 November, -0001
The O2 reduction coupled with the CO2 accumulation inhibits fruit softening, skin bruising and browning and fungus decay development. The high humidity in the Xtend® by Stepac, reduces weight loss and shriveling and thereby maintain the fresh appearance of the apples and pears.The product is particularly suitable as an alternative to Controlled Atmosphere (CA) in small scale operations and for long distance shipments after storage. Advantages include improved fruit aroma in comparison to CA on account of the higher ratio of O2/CO2 and the fact that the volatiles are contained in the packaging. Furthermore, the MA effect can be maintained throughout the entire supply chain up until the packaging is opened for supermarket display. Figures 1 and 2 show examples of Xtend® MA packaging with condensation control in action. Figure 1: Royal Gala Apples from Spain packed in Xtend® Bulk Packaging for Apples.Figure 2: Conference pears packed in Xtend® Bulk Packaging inspected upon arrival after a 7 week journey show no signs of dehydration and shriveling and have maintained their excellent quality. Once the apples and pears are packed in the sealed packaging, natural produce respiration lowers the O2 concentration, resulting in a corresponding increase in CO2 and a gradual reduction in the respiration rate of the produce as previously described. Equilibrium is reached when the uptake of O2 by the produce is equal to that permeating into the package. This so called modified atmosphere slows the respiration rate of many fresh produce items, inhibit the plant hormone ethylene, responsible for aging and ripening processes and if the CO2 concentration is sufficiently high will also have a fungistatic effect. The combined effect is prolonged storability and shelf life.  Extensive research and rigorous testing goes into the development and manufacture of each Xtend® MA/MH film and packaging format by post-harvest specialists and polymer engineers at Johnson Matthey. The optimal atmosphere for prolonging storage and shelf life, varies for each fruit type and each Xtend® solution is designed specifically to provide optimal conditions suitable for shelf life extension for the produce in question. Ongoing product development at Johnson Matthey is propelling new innovations in Xtend® Freshness Packaging. We are delighted to serve our customers around the world with our ‘Freshness Assured’ line of Xtend® packaging and look forward to unveiling the next generation in freshness extension technologies. 
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