
Koppert Cress launches a new and colourful packaging line

Koppert Cress has introduced their complete new packaging line. The design needed to be freshened up, and the new (obligatory) certification also had to be added. The final result is recognisable, distinctive, easy to handle and has a direct link to flavour and use. All products will be supplied in the completely restyled, modern design from 20 March 2017.

05 April, 2017
After years of using the same packaging, Koppert Cress  felt it was time for something new. The design needed freshening up and the new, compulsory certifications needed to be added. The final result is easily recognizable, distinctive, more manageable, and has a direct link with flavour and application. From 20 March 2017, all products will be supplied in the completely restyled contemporary design.   Better packaging and better protection!The distinctions between the different packaging variants lie in the colour combinations. The starting point is the five flavours. Each product has its own colour palette, supplemented with images of taste associations or flavour companions. The box has gained a lid, the smaller-sized packs have been revamped, and the Top Seal and film packaging have been replaced with a transparent tray with a paper strip around it.   Flavour palette helps chef In order to not make all the boxes too green, distinctions have been made. “That is why we introduced the packaging with a flavour palette to help the chefs. He could be looking for one of the basic flavours: sour (green), sweet (pink), salt (blue), bitter (brown/yellow) or umami (orange). Of each cress / speciality we know which basic flavour fits this category, and the basic colour will therefore be central.”   Besides the colour coding, the box also features a number of flavour friends (associations in uses/combination, colour, flavour, sense). For example, sour Vene Cress is associated with beetroot, lime/lemon, rhubarb, and can be combined excellently with red fruit. The colour course is further supplemented with the associations. Koppert Cress has started the campaign by now, which also informs the final user, the chef, about the new products.     More information
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