
Packaging proposals at Macfrut to take care of the quality of ripe fruits and identification

The Guillin Group was present as usual at Macfrut and this year also sponsored the Tropical Fruit Congress. The image, taken at the congress stand, shows Massimo Bellotti holding a new packaging proposal, consisting of a basket whose lid is made of cardboard with a window that allows to see the product. The cardboard provides all the possibilities of printing and the lid ensures the inviolability and safety of the product. In the lower right corner, the great launch of the Guillin Group for the tropical produce. These are individual packages to

24 May, 2018
The Guillin Group was present as usual at Macfrut and this year also sponsored the Tropical Fruit Congress. The image, taken at the congress stand, shows Massimo Bellotti holding a new packaging proposal, consisting of a basket whose lid is made of cardboard with a window that allows to see the product. The cardboard provides all the possibilities of printing and the lid ensures the inviolability and safety of the product. In the lower right corner, the great launch of the Guillin Group for the tropical produce. These are individual packages to contain a ripe mango, in the search that the consumer of markets far away from those of the growing areas, also enjoy fruit at its optimum point of maturity. Also present at the stand Mateo Díaz, export manager in the Guillin Group in Spain. This group, specializing in food packaging is formed by the companies Dyna, Nespak, Veripack and Sharpak.    
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