
The improvement of the Comission Regulation promotes the indelible marking

The European Comission works to improve the food safety, and traceability is one of the tools. The regulation issued the 3rd June promotes to use the new indelible technologies available on the market. ?Furthermore, the new indelible marking technology provides an alternative to removable adhesive paper stickers which are currently in use and limits the risks of losing, mixing up or inverting food items and

30 April, 2020
The European Comission works to improve the food safety, and traceability is one of the tools. The regulation issued the 3rd June promotes to use the new indelible technologies available on the market. ?Furthermore, the new indelible marking technology provides an alternative to removable adhesive paper stickers which are currently in use and limits the risks of losing, mixing up or inverting food items and therefore facilitates transportation and storage of the fruits concerned. For that purpose, the indication of the PLU-code (an identification number used by food business operators to facilitate check-out and inventory control of products), the QR-code (matrix barcode enabling the encoded information to be scanned at high speed) and of a barcode can also be useful. Therefore, it is appropriate to allow such information on certain fruits.? The picture shows a fruit marked with Laser Food technology. ? ? ? ?
Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia Financiado por la Unión Europea