
UK leek packers choose Aja automated ?fixed weight? retail pack weighing solution

Aja weighing solutions have now become the preferred choice of many of the major prepared pre pack produce, salad & vegetable packhouses in the UK. The company has delivered many ?profit saving? weigh packing systems to UK packhouses; suppliers to major UK Supermarkets.

09 March, 2017
Aja weighing solutions have now become the preferred choice of many of the major prepared pre pack produce, salad & vegetable packhouses in the UK. The company has delivered many ‘profit saving’ weigh packing systems to UK packhouses; suppliers to major UK Supermarkets. One example is ‘Packing Leeks’ to fixed weight with maximum efficiency and accuracy with the minimum Give Away & Waste. Leeks are household staple in the UK with consistent high sales volumes throughout the year but they are a challenging vegetable to pack profitably due to their length and variation in piece weight. Constant re adjustment of the pack to get the best weight along with over packing whether to Average or Nett Minimum Weight is a common problem which directly impacts on overall profitability. For dedicated leek packing operations where automation is necessary to minimise labour and speed up the operation, the Aja HWS Super Selector Semi Automatic Multihead Weigher takes away the guessing and juggling of pieces to achieve best weight and minimum give away while significantly adding a level of automation and speed to the packing line. Based on a standard multihead weigher concept the HWS has 14 bomb door weigh hoppers laid out in table top, linear format. One operator feeds the hoppers constantly as the HWS weigher finds the best combination to the target weight and drops the leeks onto a collating belt which runs the length of the HWS and feeds out into the flowwrapper infeed. All the leeks drop onto the same place on the collating belt and with rejects being sent the other way, an alignment device further ensures that the leeks are aligned prior to entering the flowwrapper The special HWS extra deep hoppers can handle leeks up to 35cm > 40cm in length with pack speeds of up to 30ppm. Fixed number packs are maintained and Give Away is kept to the absolute minimum despite extreme crop size variation. Tandem systems can also be configured to double on speed and productivity.
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