At the 31stINTERNATIONAL HORTICULTURAL CONGRESS (IHC 2022) to be held on 14-20 August 2022 in Angers-France, the international competition "My 3-Minute Horticultural Thesis (3MHT)" will take place. The competition will be open to pre-doctoral students who have defended or will defend their thesis between October 2020 and February 2022 and after national pre-selection and international pre-selection. The top three in this competition will be awarded with the respective titles and prizes of 2000 to 2500 Euros by the sponsors of the congress. During the SECH congress they are going to select the two candidates (1 male + 1 female) who are going to compete to represent our society at this event.
At the 31stINTERNATIONAL HORTICULTURAL CONGRESS (IHC 2022) to be held on 14-20 August 2022 in Angers-France, the international competition "My 3-Minute Horticultural Thesis (3MHT)" will take place. The competition will be open to pre-doctoral students who have defended or will defend their thesis between October 2020 and February 2022 and after national pre-selection and international pre-selection. The top three in this competition will be awarded with the respective titles and prizes of 2000 to 2500 Euros by the sponsors of the congress. During the SECH congress they are going to select the two candidates (1 male + 1 female) who are going to compete to represent our society at this event. Requirements for participation: -Predoctoral students who have defended or are going to defend the thesis between October 2020 and February 2022 and are going to participate in the XVI National Congress of SECH. -Register for the competition by sending an email to and include an abstract of their thesis in the same format as the congress (maximum 2,000 characters) before 30 June 2021. -Include yourself in one of these themes: 1) Competitiveness and skills for horticultural value chains; 2) Food, human health and well-being of citizens; 3) Sustainability of production systems; and 4) Adaptation to climate change and mitigation. Presentation: During the SECH Congress the presentations will be made orally in English, convincing and understandable for an audience not specialised in the topic of study. Duration: 3 minutes + 2 minutes questions. Evaluation: The evaluation will be carried out by a specialised jury, with gender equity also taking precedence, as stated in the call for the international competition at IHC2022. Prizes: The selected students will be rewarded with a gift organised by SECH, an award and will be able to represent SECH in the international pre-selection phase. All participants will have the possibility to discuss their results with experts in their field and improve their communication skills.