Early November 2015, specialist Angelos Deltsidis traveled to Arusha, Tanzania to assist in the installation of a low-cost cooling alternative, the CoolBot. He used an old coolroom that was not operational and installed a household
Early November 2015, specialist Angelos Deltsidis traveled to Arusha, Tanzania to assist in the installation of a low-cost cooling alternative, the CoolBot. He used an old coolroom that was not operational and installed a household split type AC which when coupled with a CoolBot controller can efficiently cool the room down to 32 F (0 C). The location of the installation was at the HORTI-Tengeru (Horticultural Research and Training Institute) where students from all over Tanzania are learning about Horticulture. In the near future, construction will begin on a charcoal cooler room (requires just water to cool, no electricity) and a grading facility so that the teachers and students of the Institute can familiarize themselves with the technologies and also pack and store the products that are produced on the farm.