Postharvest Technology Workshops & Short Courses by UC Davis Postharvest Technology

Postharvest Technology organizes short courses and workshops on different matters related to the postharvest of produce and minimimally processed foods. The data for next during this year are: March 25-26, 2014. Fruit Ripening & Retail Handling Workshop 20th Annual. This workshop will be held on the UC Davis campus. Now open for enrollment. June 16-27, 2014. Postharvest Technology Short Course 36th Annual. This course will be held June 16-20, 2014 with an optional Field

30 November, -0001
Postharvest Technology organizes short courses and workshops on different matters related to the postharvest of produce and minimimally processed foods. The data for next during this year are: June 16-27, 2014. Postharvest Technology Short Course 36th Annual. This course will be held June 16-20, 2014 with an optional Field Tour June 23-27. The first week of lectures and labs will be held on the UC Davis campus. Now open for enrollment. September 23-25, 2014. Fresh-Cut Products: Maintaining Quality and Safety Workshop 19th Annual. This workshop will be held on the UC Davis campus. Enrollment will open Spring 2014. November 4-6, 2014.  Produce Safety: A Science-based Framework Workshop. 2nd Annual.  Held on the UC Davis campus. Enrollment will open Spring 2014.  
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