An increasing number of properties for the edible coatings

The application of edible coatings is increasingly demonstrating to be a relatively new and simple technology, effective in preventing the appearance and textural deterioration of several products. The use of different types of films based on a variety of single biopolymers, or on their combinations, results to be extremely advantageous even though all data obtained so far indicate that the coatings need to be tailored and optimized for each kind of foods. The paper by Porta et al., published 2013 by the magazine J. of Biotechnology & Biomaterials review the strategy

26 January, 2021
The application of edible coatings is increasingly demonstrating to be a relatively new and simple technology, effective in preventing the appearance and textural deterioration of several products. The use of different types of films based on a variety of single biopolymers, or on their combinations, results to be extremely advantageous even though all data obtained so far indicate that the coatings need to be tailored and optimized for each kind of foods. The paper by Porta et al., published 2013 by the magazine J. of Biotechnology & Biomaterials review the strategy using edible coatings to extend the shelf-life of minimally processed fruits & vegetables. Edible coatings show an increasing number of protective effects like delay ripening in some climacteric fruits, reduce enzymatic browning, counteract oxidative degradation, antimicrobial properties, carrier of a wide range of food additives ?anti-browning agents, colorants, flavors, nutrients, spices, ? - to extend the self life but also to improve the safety and acceptability. An example mentioned by the authors indicates prevention of the dehydration and microbial proliferation in fresh-cut carrot coated with sodium alginate, followed by a final packaging into a microperforated polypropylene film under passive or active MAP (more details in the complete paper, below). Furthermore, from the sensory point of view, coated carrots were appreciated for about two weeks, whereas all the uncoated ones were refused after only two days. Another example is the effectiveness of soy protein coatings in reducing oxidative browning and moisture loss of cut apples and potatoes during their storage at 4?C. ?In conclusion, we want to highlight that a relatively simple technology, such as the application of edible coatings obtainable from inexpensive raw materials, is effective against both browning development and textural deterioration happening during the management and storage of fresh-cut products. The use of various combinations of treatments may be certainly advantageous, even though they should be optimized for each plant species and sometimes probably even for each cultivar.? Edible coatings for minimally processed products Agricoat Domca Sources Edible Coating as Packaging Strategy to Extend the Shelf-life of Fresh-Cut Fruits and Vegetables Raffaele Porta1*, Giovanna Rossi-Marquez1, Loredana Mariniello1, Angela Sorrentino2, C. Valeria L. Giosafatto1, Marilena Esposito1 and Prospero Di Pierro1 J Biotechnol Biomater 3:e124. doi: 10.4172/2155-952X.1000e124 1Department of Chemical Sciences, University of Naples ?Federico II?, Naples, Italy 2Department of Agriculture, University of Naples ?Federico II?, Naples, Italy Corresponding Author : ????????????? Raffaele Porta, The picture is by Key words Poscosecha??????? postcosecha????? postharvest?????? na-oes? ?????????????? ?????????????????????? post-r?colte????? ???? ?? ??????????????????????????????????????? na-oogst???????????? post-raccolta???? Obr?bka po?????? p?s-colheita????? ???????????????????????? hasat sonras????? ??????????????? Ernte???? ????????????????????????? ???? ?????????????????? postcollita?????????? poskliz?ov頠???? ?????? ????????????????? ??????????????? nakon branja???? pozberov頠?????????????????????? obdelovanje zemlje po??????????????? post-colleita????? ??????????????? pascapanen??????????????? ?il?onn postharvest??????? ????????????? p?c ra?as???????????? derliaus apdirbimas polepas tuai??????????? ??????????? post-recoltare???????????? ?????? ?????? ???????????????????????? ?????????????????????? ??????????????????????????? sau thu ho?ch??????????????? ?????????????????????????????? zangemva kwenkathi yokuvuna Manzana????????????????????????? apple??????????????????? ??????? ?????? ??????????????? pomme?????????????? ???????? ??????????? appel??? mela????? jab?ko?? ma?㠠?? ????????????????????? elma????? ???????? Apfel??????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Patata???????????????? potato? Perske??????????????? ??????????????????? ?????? terpomo???????????? pomme de terre???????????? ????????????????????? ????????? aardappel?????????? ??????????????? ziemniak???????????? batata?? ????????????????? patates??????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Zanahoria????????????????????????? carrot??? wortel? ?????????? ????????????????? karoto??????????????? carotte????????????????????? ??????????????????????? carota?? marchew??????????? cenoura?????????????? ??????????????????? havu砠? ????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?
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