BERRIES - To event organizers and authors and publishers of publications on strawberry, blueberry, raspberry, blackberry, ...

We are in the final stages of preparing the book about growing, post-harvest, processing and trade of berries, in Spanish language, by specialists from different countries, and which deals with issues of cultivation, post-harvest, processing and trade. The format is pdf, free to download online and promoted through our sites Poscosecha, Postharvest, Tecnología Hortícola y Biblioteca de Horticultura, and the corresponding newsletters. A space is provided to list other sources of information on the subject such as congresses, symposia, workshops, newsletters and other types of publications, periodicals or not, webinars, ... from anywhere in the world. If you wish to send us your reference, we invite you to do so by sending us an email to, with the

30 November, -0001
We are in the final stages of preparing the book about growing, post-harvest, processing and trade of berries, in Spanish language, by specialists from different countries, and which deals with issues of cultivation, post-harvest, processing and trade. The format is pdf, free to download online and promoted through our sites Poscosecha, Postharvest, Tecnología Hortícola y Biblioteca de Horticultura, and the corresponding newsletters. A space is provided to list other sources of information on the subject such as congresses, symposia, workshops, newsletters and other types of publications, periodicals or not, webinars, ... from anywhere in the world. If you wish to send us your reference, we invite you to do so by sending us an email to, with the name of the event or publication, its link, a picture, and your contact information in case we need something else. Thanks! if you can do it during this month of November 2021.
Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia Financiado por la Unión Europea