Around two years ago we started with the preparation of the book summarizint the horticultural technology used in mild climas, through more than 50 magnific authors, expert in each matter. The expertise of the authors converts the book in a reference one for several years. The book is online, pdf format, on the technology for the production of fruits and vegetables, open air and greenhouse cultivation. The structure is n 47 chapters divided into 3 sections and the number of pages at the moment is 1089. The prologue will
Around two years ago we started with the preparation of the book summarizint the horticultural technology used in mild climas, through more than 50 magnific authors, expert in each matter. The expertise of the authors converts the book in a reference one for several years. The book is online, pdf format, on the technology for the production of fruits and vegetables, open air and greenhouse cultivation. The structure is n 47 chapters divided into 3 sections and the number of pages at the moment is 1089. The prologue will be in charge of Pedro Hoyos Echevarría, Professor of Horticulture at the UPM, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. It explains the development these crops have undergone in recent decades and the supplies and services that make them possible, such as seeds, seedlings, nurseries, substrates, fertigation, greenhouses, climate control, disease and pest control, plastics and agricultural nets, machinery, analysis, automation, sensors, software,
A specific chapter deals on postharvest technology for fresh and minimally processed fruits and vegetables.The book will be ready for Fruit Attraction (Madrid, 4-6 October), where a brochure with the QR for download will be distributed through the stands and available for the visitors in some stands. Download is for free, thanks to the companies participating in it, who show their products and services for the fruit, vegetable and ornamental industry. If your company wish to join, please send to us an email asking for the options (to The draft version is available HERE. Download will be posible after finishing.