
Preharvest application of 1-MCP, an option to extend yellow pitahaya marketing period

For Colombia, the yellow cactus flower, Selenicerus megalanthus Haw, is a fruit considered promising export product, due to its taste and selling prices in the international market. However, it is a seasonal fruit with two marked peaks of production, leading to fluctuation in prices and the inability to continually offer fruit in international markets. It was found that inhibitors competitive of ethylene as

06 February, 2020
Poscosecha, postcosecha, postharvest, pitahaya, etileno, 1-Metilciclopropeno, 1-MCP For Colombia, the yellow cactus flower, Selenicerus megalanthus Haw, is a fruit considered promising export product, due to its taste and selling prices in the international market. However, it is a seasonal fruit with two marked peaks of production, leading to fluctuation in prices and the inability to continually offer fruit in international markets. It was found that inhibitors competitive of ethylene as 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) applied post-harvest fruits and vegetables retard some processes related to delayed maturation and senescence. Its effect is variable and depends on the concentration of the compound, exposure time, and the variety of fruit, morphological and physiological characteristics, and degree of maturity, growing conditions and storage. Still do not know the effect of any 1-MCP on the cactus flower, this compound applied preharvest and / or post-harvest may delay the fruit ripening process and this would break some of their seasonality. Therefore we evaluated the effect of the application in preharvest and postharvest of aqueous solutions of 200 and 400 ?gL-1 1-MCP on the yellow cactus flower in maturity 3 (according to the standard NTC 3554, ICONTEC 1996). The results showed that preharvest application of 200 and 400 ?gL-1 1-MCP, retard ripening and senescence of the cactus flower and changes in acidity, retaining its strength and reducing weight loss. This suggests that the use of this compound may partially break the seasonality of fruit and opens the possibility of offering fruit at different times at harvest time. ? The paper is available in the pdf APLICACI?N DE 1-METILCICLOPROPENO, UNA ALTERNATIVA A LA ESTACIONALIDAD DE LA PITAHAYA AMARILLA The picture belongs to fruits at 8?C during 21 days from the paper EFFECT OF TWO RIPENING STAGES AND TWO STORAGE TEMPERATURES ON THE POSTHARVEST BEHAVIOUR OF YELLOW PITAHAYA (Selenicereus megalanthus Haw.), by Rodriguez Rodriguez et al. ? ? ?
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