
Preventing moisture loss during harvest and storage provide additional months of profitable shipping for some cultivars of potato

Pressure flattening is a major concern in long-term commercial potato storage which limits the duration of storage or reduces the quality of stored potatoes. Canela Russet, Centennial Russet, Rio Grande Russet, and Russet Norkotah potatoes were treated to induce moisture loss at room

02 July, 2020
Pressure flattening is a major concern in long-term commercial potato storage which limits the duration of storage or reduces the quality of stored potatoes. Canela Russet, Centennial Russet, Rio Grande Russet, and Russet Norkotah potatoes were treated to induce moisture loss at room temperature and at 37?C. These tubers were evaluated after three different durations of storage for pressure flattening, using a ventilated container design. Differences in pressure flattening development occurred within a cultivar as a result of moisture loss treatments as well as among the cultivars. There was no difference in the storage time required for Centennial Russet to pressure flatten beyond USDA grade tolerances when the tubers had 5?% (4.99?%) or less than one percent (0.52?%) weight loss prior to storage. Russet Norkotah tubers that lost less than 1?% (0.37?%) weight could be stored 6 additional weeks before the tubers were out-of-grade compared to those that lost nearly 4?% weight (3.82?%). Preventing moisture loss during harvest and storage may not considerably decrease pressure flattening for some cultivars but may provide additional months of profitable shipping for other cultivars.The picture is by the web site,specialized in the?harvest and post-harvest process. ? ? ?
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