Quercy Réfrigératio

Quercy Réfrigératio

Cooling and CA

Avocado ripening

The ideal temperature for ripening avocados is 15 to 20?C. Above 25?C, ripening is irregular, unpleasant flavours appear and the risk of rot increases. This natural process can also be controlled. Treatment with ethylene (100 ppm at 20?C for 12 to 72 hours depending on the maturity of the fruit) speeds up ripening by 3 to 6 days. It is possible to obtain fruits at an

24 July, 2020
Avocado, ripening, postharvest, poscosecha, postcosecha, aguacate, palta The ideal temperature for ripening avocados is 15 to 20?C. Above 25?C, ripening is irregular, unpleasant flavours appear and the risk of rot increases. This natural process can also be controlled. Treatment with ethylene (100 ppm at 20?C for 12 to 72 hours depending on the maturity of the fruit) speeds up ripening by 3 to 6 days. It is possible to obtain fruits at an even stage of ripeness in chambers in which temperature, relative humidity and ethylene content are the main parameters controlled. Nevertheless, ripening still depends on the initial stage of maturity of the fruit. SourceClose-up Avocado, an special issue of FRuiTROP, September 2013, analyzing the avocado trade worldwide, and including pages on avocado post-harvest, the main types of post-harvest physiological deterioration of avocado, pictures on avocado quality flaws, and the main avocado varieties. FRuiTROP Journal ? Advocado ripeningBrancato Interko
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