Quercy Réfrigératio

Quercy Réfrigératio

Cooling and CA

Nature Cold, a Research & Development product

Quercy Refrigeration is concerned with the economy of the fruit-growing activity in the Tarn-et-Garonne region. As such, it is in a permanent search to offer its customers the solutions that are most suited to their needs. To do this, every year we invest in our test centre, which has enabled us to file our first patent for a process of fruit storage (mainly apples) without residue, pesticides, or weight loss. This process includes the management of hydric stress during long-term storage and the respect for the environment. Today, new tests are underway to combine the techniques of refrigeration with the control of conservation. We are pleased to present you our latest achievements with our patented system for the specific management of

24 July, 2020
Quercy Refrigeration is concerned with the economy of the fruit-growing activity in the Tarn-et-Garonne region. As such, it is in a permanent search to offer its customers the solutions that are most suited to their needs. To do this, every year we invest in our test centre, which has enabled us to file our first patent for a process of fruit storage (mainly apples) without residue, pesticides, or weight loss. This process includes the management of hydric stress during long-term storage and the respect for the environment. Today, new tests are underway to combine the techniques of refrigeration with the control of conservation. We are pleased to present you our latest achievements with our patented system for the specific management of humidity. In the following video, available HERE, you will see a haze which is the latent heat of the water contained in the air. Our regulation system allows you to control a specific humidity setpoint. This generates substantial savings of electricity (which can represent over 40%), and a freshness of products, such as high quality fruit and vegetables, without weight loss. It is a culmination of three years of study, research and practical testing. Catalogue
Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia Financiado por la Unión Europea