Quercy Réfrigératio

Quercy Réfrigératio

Cooling and CA

Reduction of water loss in fruits and vegetables during long life storage

Water loss affects the quality of fruits and vegetables; it results in wilting, shriveling, softening, and loss of salable weight and crispness. A decrease in firmness is strongly related to increased weight loss; raising humidity levels during postharvest handling helps to reduce fruit and vegetable desiccation and excessive softening. The review by Nascimento Nunes explains that although few studies have evaluated the effects of the ambient RH alone on the quality of fresh fruits and vegetables, the RH of the surrounding air is also an important factor that needs to be controlled during storage of fruits and vegetables. Humidity and temperature together are particularly critical in minimising the difference in water vapour pressure

28 May, 2020
Water loss affects the quality of fruits and vegetables; it results in wilting, shriveling, softening, and loss of salable weight and crispness.  A decrease in firmness is strongly related to increased weight loss; raising humidity levels during postharvest handling  helps to reduce fruit and vegetable desiccation and excessive softening.  The review by Nascimento Nunes explains that although few studies have evaluated the effects of the ambient RH alone on the quality of fresh fruits and vegetables, the RH of the surrounding air is also an important factor that needs to be controlled during storage of fruits and vegetables. Humidity and temperature together are particularly critical in minimising the difference in water vapour pressure between the produce and the environment. The humidity of the surrounding environment should be maintained at a level that minimises the water vapour pressure deficit. Therefore, when the RH is too low, transpiration is enhanced, resulting in loss of moisture. To maintain a high relative humidity in a cool chamber is the focus of NATURE HDCOLD; it is an integrated regulation system which do not requires humidification system. More than 200 installations benefit from quality long therm conservation without chemical additives and weight loss.Quote Maria Cecilia do Nascimento Nunes, Impact of environmental conditions on fruit and vegetable quality, August 2008, Stewart Postharvest Review 4(4):1-14 DOI: 10.2212/spr.2008.4.4  About NATURE HDCOLD NATURE HD COLD, by Quercy Refrigeration and DPKL, is the performing storage 100% bio. Fruit and vegetable top organoleptic and quality up to 9 months, without controlled atmosphere, with only a 0.5 weight loss. The integrated regulation system guarantees a high and stable relative humidity rate of up to 100% without humidification. Benefits include reduction of weight loss, control of physiological diseases due loss of humidity, avoids postharvest chemical treatments, energy saving up to 40%, no need for defrosting and an investment possible to recover in 1 year.Solutions for long sterm storage, ripening, citrus fruits degreening, onion & garlic dryer, fruits & Plant nursery, cooling tunnel.
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