Quercy Réfrigératio

Quercy Réfrigératio

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The effects of silicon in postharvest characteristics of fruits, vegetable or ornamentals

"Silicon Solutions - Helping plants to help themselves" a recent book (2014 Sestante Edizioni, Bergamo) is a publication about the information that has been gathered in recent decades on the effect of silicon. In the text below the author, Edward Bent, highlights the effects of silicon in postharvest. Very little research has been done to measure the effects of silicon on postharvest characteristics of fruits,

08 January, 2021
"Silicon Solutions - Helping plants to help themselves" a recent book (2014 Sestante Edizioni, Bergamo) is a publication about the information that has been gathered in recent decades on the effect of silicon. In the text below the author, Edward Bent, highlights the effects of silicon in postharvest. Very little research has been done to measure the effects of silicon on postharvest characteristics of fruits, vegetables or ornamentals. By silicon I refer exclusively to the plant-available bioactive molecule, monosilicic acid. Regrettably most experimental trials stop by simply measuring yield (weight, volume, relatives grades and uniformity ) and appearance - that can be described as external quality features. I believe this is a mistake since quality assessment should be continued, also taking into account postharvest characteristics that influence handling, storage & transport and shelf-life, not forgetting nutritional value. This can then be described as internal quality. Before detailing some specific effects of silicon on internal quality of produce, it should be said that silicon essentially acts as a bioregulator that enables plants to help themselves fight abiotic and biotic stresses. By doing so, plants can devote more energy to build yield and internal quality. This represents an important factor in biological/organic and biodynamic production systems and in making intensive production more sustainable. One regrettable issue is the fact that silicon is not recognized as a fertilizer, nor as an essential element and the EBIC (European Biostimulants Industry Council) will still only accept silicon for its action against abiotic stress, not biotic stress. In the latter case, effects against insects and other herbivores, despite being preventative (deterrent) rather than curative, means that it has to be registered as an insecticide/pesticide, which quite obviously it is not. Research in 2009 by the CRA-CNR in Italy used Magnetic Resonance Imaging to test the effect of monosilicic acid on the shelf-life of strawberries and tomatoes. In the former, fruit from treated plants was more resistant to mecahnical damage with a delay in fruit deterioration of 4-5 days. For tomatoes, the pericarp remained more clearly defined for longer, also indicating extended shelf-life. A fruit grower in Holland noted much thicker waxier skins in apples from treated plants. This could certainly reduce moisture loss and keep the pulp fresh and crisp for longer (outside of cold-storage). From part of his crop he was able to obtain 5-10% more juice at the same pressure. Wastage was significantly reduced. Pears were found tio be ?peelable? for longer. Experiemts with asparagus in Germany and Bangalore blue grapes in India, demonstrated a much higher level of certain minerals in produce from treated plants, in some cases increases up to 200%. This is of particular importance since the mineral content of fruit and vegetables has declined over the last 50 or more years and minerals remain an essential dietry factor. Silicon treatment on many crops often results in higher sugar levels (?Brix). A trial on tomatoes in Bangalore also demonstrated an increase in Vitamin C (+17%) when compared with untreated plants and an increase of 39% in Lycopene (pigment with anti-oxidant properties). In 2013 in Lanzarote (a Spanish island that provides plants with notable wind and water stress in particular), treated plants produced grapes destined for ecological wine, with better internal quality (including higher sugars but not only) that enabled the entire fermentation process to take place from the natural yeasts without any additional nutrition. A higher quality wine resulted. Other trials have revealed that silicon treatment results in larger berries with thicker skins better distributed along the truss (potentially reducing the spread of fungal disease). In ornamentals, treated Gerbera plants produced stronger flower stems less susceptible to bacterial rot, better for handling and transport. Poinsettia plants suffered less from bract edge burn, stem breakage was reduced and shelf-life improved. These few examples demonstrate the urgent need for more trials on postharvest characteristics of fruits and vegetables through treatment with monosilicic acid, especially when plants are under moderate to high stress for an appreciable part of the production cycle. More serious swings in stressful conditions in the field are to be expected due to climatic changes that are increasingly evident today.?? The author has no doubt that internal quality of fruit and vegetables will be on the agenda in the near future with consumers, consumer associations, distributors and food processors that will require their growers to provide produce that conforms to certain internal quality standards (in addition to external quality). These will include the presence of chemical residues. All said and done, to what extent does the consumer really know whether produce labelled organic or purchased from a so-called farmer?s market has really been produced biologically or by local farmers who are subject to fungicide and pesticide regulations? Does the consumer today need to eat two lettuces to obtain the same nutritional value as obtained from one lettuce eaten in the 1960?s? These are questions that the agroalimentary industry needs to ask itself. Certainly a guarantee that internal quality of fruits and vegetables lies within a certain band, will represent important marketing and promotional instrument in the future, and more work for laboratories or field equipment capable of making routine analyses more quickly. Of extreme importance is the support by the agroalimentary industry of further applied research in cooperation with growers, looking especially at the effects of monosilicic acid on postharvest quality of a range of fruits and vegetables, including wastage, related to plant stress. A high percentage of wastage is due to physiological conditions experienced by plants during their cultivation and silicon can have appreciative effects also in this regard. Positive effects might also be found in: canning, freeze-drying, extraction of juice, curing/treatment of leaves (e.g. tobacco/tea), extraction of starch. Two final comments. A careful choice must be made of the type of silicon products utilized and the method of application (concentration and frequency). There are three basic categories: silicate fertilizers (including diatomaceous earths), stabilized monosilicic acid and silicon-rich organic plant extracts. Some work better than others.Pictures1 - Effects of silicon on plants (in better quality in the pdf, available below). 2 - It was reported by Henk Nieuwdorp that in apples from trees treated with SSAB (early formulation), fruit was still edible after 7 months in coldstore followed by several months in ambient tempeature. The pulp was still crisp, moist and sweet.The apples from trees treated with SSAB yielded 5-10% more juice when squeezed at a pressure of 1.4 bar than did those harvested from untreated trees. The skin was stronger and waxier so they lost less moisture and remained peelable for longer.3 - Magnetic Resonance Imagining reveals the deterioration of tissue after 5-7 days in fruit from control plants, with the appearance of mildew after 8 days. Fruit from plants treated with SSAA were more resistant, all effects of deterioration being delayed by 4-5 days. Courtesy of Agro-Solutions BV4 - Cover page of the book "Silicon solutions" ?
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