Quercy Réfrigératio

Quercy Réfrigératio

Cooling and CA

The performing storage 100% bio

NATURE HDCOLD, by Quercy Refrigeration, is the integrated regulation system which do not requires any humidification system. It has been created for cooling and preserving fruits and vegetables with innovative way. The air cooler is designed and it is available to work with a dedicated regulation system. It includes a blow-throw EC fan motors with optimized air distribution and humidity control coil design. The NATURE HDCOLD way allow you to keep your fresh products for long time without chemical additive and weight loss. Let?s try,

07 August, 2020
NATURE HDCOLD, by Quercy Refrigeration, is the integrated regulation system which do not requires any humidification system. It has been created for cooling and preserving fruits and vegetables with innovative way. The air cooler is designed and it is available to work with a dedicated regulation system. It includes a blow-throw EC fan motors with optimized air distribution and humidity control coil design. The NATURE HDCOLD way allow you to keep your fresh products for long time without chemical additive and weight loss. Let’s try, we have already more than 200 sites with excellent results: - Weight loss 0.5%- Fruits and vegetables top organoleptic and quality characteristics up to 9 months without CA. The heart of the NATURE HDCOLD system monitors all the parameters in the cell through environmental sensors. The PLC then automatically regulates the ventilation of the air coolers while maintaining optimum conditions.    More information
Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia Financiado por la Unión Europea