
Strategies for  ripening, quality and storage of mango

The paper by Kuldeep et al. deals on the physiological basis of mango postharvest behaviour allowing to design better strategies to keep the quality

mango graphic abstract b.JPG
03 March, 2025


Mango (Mangifera indica L.) stands out as a globally cultivated and highly adaptable crop celebrated for its distinctive flavor, enticing aroma, and vivid coloration.

Recognized as a leader in both production and productivity among fruit crops, mangoes present a rich source of essential nutrients beneficial for human health.

Despite its prominence, the mango industry grapples with formidable challenges centered around the fruit’s limited shelf life, intricate preservation of postharvest quality, and the dearth of efficacious preservation techniques.

Important to understand the maturation process 

The maturation process of mangoes encompasses a series of intricate transformations, involving notable alterations in texture, aroma, color and metabolic activities, all of which intricately shape the postharvest physiology of mango crops. 

As a climacteric fruit, mangoes exhibit a surge in ethylene production during ripening, significantly influencing their postharvest physiology.

In response to these challenges, a plethora of strategies is employed to judiciously manage the postharvest physiology of mango crops.

These strategies encompass controlled atmosphere (CA) storage, modified atmosphere packaging (MAP), semipermeable packaging, application of edible coatings, UV treatment, heat treatment, and specific chemical interventions, among other innovative approaches.

This manuscript delves into the comprehensive understanding of the postharvest physiology of mango crops, elucidating the intricacies of ripening processes, quality preservation, and advanced storage methodologies.

The exploration of these facets aims to contribute valuable insights to the mango industry, facilitating the development of sustainable and effective practices for enhancing postharvest quality and extending the shelf life of this globally cherished fruit.


Kuldeep, Ashok; Kumar Singh, Mandeep Rawat, Shivam, Gopal Mani, Rakhi Gautam, Rishabh Raj, Imamuddin Shah, Ankit Kumar Pandey, Deepak Maurya, Sampurna Nand Singh & Vinay Kumar 
Applied Fruit Science, Volume 67, article number 60, (2025)

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