Pepper corer and Pepper dicer equipment

TECNOCEAM solutions for the pepper processing industry include decorer and dicer machines. In the PEPPER DECORER , the pepper is set in a proper pit, it is cut from the bottom and its core is pull out, while in

30 November, -0001
TECNOCEAM solutions for the pepper processing industry include decorer and dicer machines. In the PEPPER DECORER , the pepper is set in a proper pit, it is cut from the bottom and its core is pull out, while in the meantime, the desired cutting is carried out. The PEPPER DICER allows transverse cuts, reaching dices of size according to the raw material and settings of the machine. The picture shows the pepper dicer The dicer is designed for the skewer cut preparation.This information will be available on the Spanish language document Info Pepper 2015; Info Pepper 2014.   More information Key wordsPoscosecha    postcosecha    postharvest    na-oes    ?? ??? ??????    ??        post-récolte    ???? ?? ?????????        na-oogst    post-raccolta    Obróbka po    pós-colheita    ??????????????    hasat sonras?        Ernte    ??????????????    ???? ???????????    postcollita    poskliz?ové    ??    ?? ?        nakon branja    pozberové        obdelovanje zemlje po    post-colleita    ????? ?????    pascapanen    Éilíonn postharvest    ????    p?c ra?as    derliaus apdirbimas po    lepas tuai    ?? ?? ??????    post-recoltare    ?????? ?????    ?????????????????    ???????????    ???????????????    sau thu ho?ch    ???????????????    zangemva kwenkathi yokuvuna        Pimiento    morrón    pepper    peper    ????    ??    pipro    poivre    ??????    ???? ?????        pepe    pieprz    pimenta    ?????    biber    ???? ???                                                            
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