
The optimum storage condition for garlic seed-bulb, ambient temperature

A trial was initiate to evaluate the effects of garlic seed-bulb storage temperature on subsequent crop growth at 2 plantings (early 21 March 2013 and late 29 April 2013). To assess the optimum storage conditions for garlic planting material whole bulbs (cv. Glenlarge) were stored at 5?C, 15?C and ambient conditions. A further treatment where bulbs were either heat treated or not heat treated was imposed in factorial combination with the storage temperature treatments to give 6 treatments each replicated 4 times. The heat treatment was

21 December, 2020
A trial was initiate to evaluate the effects of garlic seed-bulb storage temperature on subsequent crop growth at 2 plantings (early 21 March 2013 and late 29 April 2013). To assess the optimum storage conditions for garlic planting material whole bulbs (cv. Glenlarge) were stored at 5?C, 15?C and ambient conditions. A further treatment where bulbs were either heat treated or not heat treated was imposed in factorial combination with the storage temperature treatments to give 6 treatments each replicated 4 times. The heat treatment was imposed 43 days prior to planting and included 7 days at 32?C, 14 days at 36?C and 21 days at 38?C. The planting material was grown under field conditions to maturity and assessed for total plant number and bulb yield. In the both plantings the optimum storage condition was ambient temperature followed by storage at 15?C. Heat treating bulbs provided minor but positive increases in yield in both ambient and 15?C storage conditions. Cold storage (5?C) minus heat treatment was an unsuccessful storage option with plants maturing rapidly and producing only one to two cloves per bulb before senescing. Heat treatment of cold stored garlic produced yields comparable to garlic stored at 15?C in the first planting but in second planting heat treatment did not reverse the negative effects of cold storage. ? Original title and sourcesEFFECTS OF SEED-BULB STORAGE TEMPERATURE ON GARLIC GROWTHHarper, S1, Hall, of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Gatton Research Facility, Queensland, AustraliaIHC 2014, International Horticulture Congress, 17-22 August 2014, Brisbane, The picture is the Garcua variety of Planasa. EN - No information in the abstract about what is "ambient temperature". Key wordsAjo?? ??? ?garlic?? ?knoffel?? ?????? ????? ??? ajlo?? ?ail?? ????????? ???????? ?knoflook?? ?aglio?? ?czosnek?? ?alho?? ????????? ?sar?msak?? ??????? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ????
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