Measuring the hardness of fruits and vegetables is a fundamental aspect of quality control. The 53215 digital durometer range from TR. TURONI enables the non-destructive determination of the hardness of these products, providing a valid index to assess their ripeness level.
This instrument not only helps determine the optimal time for fruit harvesting but also proves useful during refrigeration storage, as it allows for the monitoring of ripening evolution. Its main advantage is that it takes measurements without damaging the fruit, unlike the traditional penetrometer, which is a destructive instrument.
The durometer is very simple to use. To measure, just place the tip of the instrument on the equator of the fruit and gradually press until the fruit matches the ring of the durometer.
To obtain more meaningful results, it is recommended to take samples from fruits of several plants in the field or from different boxes in the cold storage. It is necessary to perform two measurements on opposite points of each fruit, approximately in the middle of each side. The resulting value, which is the average of the two measurements, is expressed in Shore, the standard reference for measuring material hardness.