
Unduly time delays in placing mango fruits in cool-storage after harvest can result in fruit being soft on arrival

Sensation and Tommy Atkins mangoes were placed in cool-storage at 12.5?C for 28 days 12, 36, 60 or 84 hours after harvest. The fruits were held at 20?C prior to and after cool-storage. In Sensation, pulp penetration pressure, pulp colouration, and total soluble solids content were assessed on fruit placement in cool-storage and one week after the commencement of cool-storage. On fruit ripening

09 March, 2020
Postharvest, poscosecha, postcosecha, enfriamiento, cooling, mango Sensation and Tommy Atkins mangoes were placed in cool-storage at 12.5?C for 28 days 12, 36, 60 or 84 hours after harvest. The fruits were held at 20?C prior to and after cool-storage. In Sensation, pulp penetration pressure, pulp colouration, and total soluble solids content were assessed on fruit placement in cool-storage and one week after the commencement of cool-storage. On fruit ripening after cool-storage, shelf-life and various fruit quality attributes were assessed.Shelf-life decreased markedly with the delay in time of fruit placement in cool-storage. Ripening rate during the first week of cool-storage increased with the delay prior to cool-storage (assessed only in Sensation). On fruit ripening, the incidence of lenticel damage generally increased with the delay prior to cool-storage. In Sensation, taste appeal decreased slightly with the delay prior to cool-storage. An effect on taste was not apparent in Tommy Atkins. In Sensation and Tommy Atkins, differences in ground skin colouration, total soluble solids content, pH, or physiological disorder severity relating to treatment were not apparent. In Sensation, differences relating to treatment in disease, blotch or surface scald were not evident. These disorders did not occur in Tommy Atkins. The present study indicates that unduly time delays in placing mango fruits in cool-storage after harvest can result in fruit being soft on arrival at ports and distributors overseas.Original title and sources:EFFECT OF COOL-STORAGE DELAYS AFTER HARVEST ON THE EXTENT OF RIPENING DURING AND FRUIT QUALITY AFTER COOL-STORAGE pictures if by
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